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lisa tilley

plays nectar



I release thee from the binding power of the molecules, and from the gravity of my soul. I release thee into the eternal ocean, where you will find the universe swarming in a droplet.


Lisa is twenty-two and a native of Townsville. She is a graduate of the Bachelor of Theatre course at James Cook University and has recently relocated to Melbourne. In Queensland she has worked with HardSun Theatre, CORE Theatre Ensemble, and Cowshed Theatre. She has a Performer's Certificate from Trinity College of London.

Agent: MAT Management

If Mysterium has a lead role, then it is Nectar. She is a frank, straightforward girl with a native affinity for magic, love, and with an innate sense of the power of sexuality. Her unexpected appearance upon the DevilDam and the turmoil she creates among the ship's bizarre crew provides the catalyst for the gothic drama of the play.

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