Game Tools
This section contains material to help spice up your game. More will be added soon!

Combat Settings
Combat can be fun, but it can also become stale sometimes. Adding dynamic environments and props will help. Roll a D12 twice on either the rural or urban tables below, then a D10 twice on the appropriate props table. Some combinations might not work, while some will work great and turn out to be quite interesting. Either roll while writing the adventure or during play.

However, there are no penalties listed. Primarily because they slow down combat and secondly, players fear the unknown. If boulders are bouncing down a cliff, their going to wonder and worry about one hitting them. However, if they do find out what it does they wont worry as much. In fact it will probably become more of an annoyance. So generally these effects should only be applied to cocky PC's, those who roleplay being worried should be rewarded (ironically) by not being affected by it.

Rural combat settings

1. While crossing a river with white water

7. Near an abandoned Xyticix hive…or is it really abandoned?

2. At the edge of a crumbling cliff

8. Near a small ley line

3. At the base of a hill with a rapidly growing avalanche happening

9. Amongst dark trees, and they seem to be coming alive!

4. On a rotten wooden bridge high above fast water

10. Dark brooding clouds above start to throw down lighting into the area

5. Near big caves with evidence of big nasties inside (bones of old, massive kills). Hope they don't come out

11. An earthquake starts, the ground starts opening up to chasms, everywhere. Can you trust the ground beneath your feet?

6. A mini tornado suddenly sweeps into the area and is approaching rapidly

12. On the streets of a pre rifts ruin, a close by multi storey begins to collapse!

Rural props

1. A precariously balanced boulder nearby

6. A precariously balanced log

2. Thick branches reach over the combat

7. Dozens of thick vines hang down here

3. Big cracks & breaks in the ground everywhere

8. A dense flock of birds is about to fly up

4. A handful of tough, mossy gravestones here

9. There's a small shrine here

5. A nearby thick grove of trees

10. Your on a steep hill (height advantage)


Urban combat settings

1. A nearby abandoned building begins collapsing dangerously

7. Passing down a street that have barrels around with fire in them. The action makes 'em roll!

2. High up on a rusty suspension bridge

8. Crossing a wide and suddenly busy road

3. Crossing a dry concrete canal, when water begins rushing down it with debris

9. Passing through a building which somehow catches on fire and begins to collapse

4. Get carried off on a wide cargo hover platform

10. Pass through a whare house party. Flashing and strobe lights make the combat surreal.

5. The defence system on a nearby building starts firing wildly

11. End up in an alley piled high with garbage as well as barb wire loops everywhere

6. Something causes the ground to collapse all around into old sewerage tunnels

12. Crossing the roof of a high building with high winds blowing

Urban Props

1. A water tank on top of a nearby building

6. (about to be run away) horse and cart

2. Pre-Rifts sign or billboard

7. Big glass panes in a nearby building

3. Carefully balanced wooden barrels

8. A crane nearby has a swinging chain and hook

4. Fruit cart!

9. A over arching metal lamp post

5. Small car or motor bike

10. Easy access to top of nearby building (height)