
New Common Magic Item

Spell Casting Catalyst - Limited Time Slip Talisman
In a strife torn world, a mage needs to cast a spell in just one attack every so often. This item is essentially a talisman with a limited version of time slip embedded in it. It allows the mage to activate the talisman (using one attack), which activates a seven second time slip for the mage. During this he can cast any spell he can finish in this time and complete it just as the time slip ends. Effectively this means it finishes on the same attack he activated the talisman, meaning he completes the spell using only one attack during combat! Eg, a mage casting a fire bolt this way would be seen to activate the talisman, flicker then reappear (in a slightly different pose) with the fire bolt just leaving his hands. He could also use a one of these to shave seven seconds off the casting time of longer spells (But only once per spell, as activating a second talisman would be interrupt the spell).

However, this is a limited time slip. The mage cannot move more than a meter away from the spot they started it on (unlike the regular spell). They're trapped in this small space, but can see everything (frozen in time) around them. It's part of magical culture to share/sell some power, but not to commonly sell strong power (like the standard time slip embedded in a talisman).

Cost: Each charge in a talisman costs 1000 credits. Up to three can be in one talisman (Which would cost 3000 credits). Ley line walkers can see how many charges are in one, as can other spell casters using appropriate spells. Talismans can be all sorts of shapes and sizes.
GM Notes: If your interested in boosting magical power in your game and don't want to use house rules, a good idea could be to introduce this item into your game. In terms of availability I'd say make it a fairly common item, so mages can have a two or three on hand at most times if they want to buy them. This is from level one onward (Even available for purchase during character generation). Generally the cost of each charge will mean they'll think about using them, rather than use them all the time. The bill can quickly add up to be more than the tech users, otherwise!


New Magic Spell

Create Limited Time Slip Talisman

Level: 10th
PPE: 100 or 500
Essentially the same as the normal talisman spell, but it exclusively creates ones imbued with limited time slip (see the magic item description above). The PPE cost is 500 to make this sort of talisman with three charges. Or the mage can imbue an object with one charge by only spending 100 PPE, but he can only do this once every two days. This spell can not make PPE batteries.
GM Notes: This is probably quite a good higher level reward for PC's, without it opening up quite as many new possibilities as a regular talisman spell. You might want to make it available through purchase/being found/given as a reward when characters are around 4th to 6th level.