Johnno’s Home School Site


I'm Johnno, a father of 4 homeschooled children, living in Canberra, Australia.


This web site has a set of things I wish I could have read somewhere.  I'm particularly proud of the sections on how to deal with "the system".  My opinions about things are just here because I couldn't help myself, but I think the technical details of how to deal with government and higher education will actually help people.




Open Universities Australia: you can enter an Australian university, study with no up-front cost, work at your kitchen table, and finish your degree by 18!


Registration as a home-schooler: registering, not registering, and how to do it.


Parenting Payment: were you receiving Parenting Payment from Centrelink at 1 July 2006?  As a home schooling parent, you are entitled to keep receiving it until your youngest child turns 16!


Education Tax Refund: as of July 2008, you can be paid up to $750 per student per year, with your tax return.  Even if you have a low income and don't need to pay tax, you can still get the payment.


Family Business: did you know that family business is exempt from the child labour laws?


Scouts: my view as a home schooler.



If you want to contact me, send me an email at