Lenin - by Tony Cliff |
Volume 2: All Power to the Soviets, 1914-1917
List of Abbreviations
Congresses of the Party, Soviets, Trade Unions and the Communist International
The War
The Bolshevik Party in the Test of War
Lenin and the National Question
Imperialism, the Highest Stage of Capitalism
Crisis and Collapse of the Tsarist Regime
From the February Revolution to Dual Power
Lenin Rearms the Party
Lenin, the Party and the Proletariat
Lenin Lowers the Temperature
Lenin and the Soldier's Mutinies
The Peasantry in the Revolution
Lenin and Workers' Control
Lenin Supports the Rebellious Nationalities
The July Days
Reaction on the Move
The Kornilov Coup
State and Revolution
The Proletariat Can Wield State Power
Lenin Calls Up the Insurrection