Third Mission - "Force of History"
SD 100413.1654

The USS AURORA has been fitted with a Science Pod and sent out to examine a rouge star system

The system according to latest scans and intelligence appears to match exactly with a system on the far side of the Neutral Zone, in Romulan space.

The AURORA is to determine whether the system is indeed from Romulan space, and if so, she is to determine the cause for the systems radical shift in location

The AURORA is also to provide humanitarian aid to any and all who require their assistance

Mission Log

The USS AURORA arrived at the Rogue star system and began her investigations. It was apparent that the system was indeed a system that should have existed in Romulan space.

Before investigations could be concluded a large 'wormhole' type structure appeared and the AURORA was dragged towards the core.

When the AURORA reappeared in normal space a large being, possibly sentient, was detected a short distance from the ship. A Romulan Warbird was also detected. Readings indicated that the ship had passed through time and was approximately 5,000 to 7,000 years in the past

The AURORA contacted the Romulan Warbird, which eventually offered her deisgnation as ChR AERV'MOGAI.

The two ships were approached by two vessels. It was then discovered that the ships had travelled back to the time of the Atabi Empire, a culture which occupied much or Romulan space prior to their arrival. The AURORA refused to engage in the battle between the two ships, even after the pilot of one claimed he was a political refugee.

Further engagements with the Atabi Fleet were prohibited, in the hope that the timeline would not be polluted. This was not to be however, and some of the Atabi fleet were destroyed.

The ship's Science Officer then experimented with a method for re-opening the wormhole. This worked and the AURORA then traversed the Wormhole again.

As the AURORA reappeared in the present time, it was evident that something that had done in the past had altered the present. The Federation did not exist. The AURORA encountered a group calling themselves the Coalition, formed of many species, mostly those found in the UFP. The AURORA entered into a deal with the Coalition allowing them access to their historical records. Once these were obtained the AURORA made to leave for the Wormhole.

While on the Coalition homeworld Capt. Thomas discovered an Iconian Portal. This portal had reacted strangely to the existence of the wormhole, and had opened doorways to a variety of different timelines and places. Through one of these places the away team was able to see Lt Prescott, a Starfleet officer supposedly lost in the Second Battle of Gamma. Prescott managed to pass through the portal and was taken aboard the AURORA for urgent medical treatment

A Borg attack was launched against the Coalition, and the AURORA and ChR AERV'MOGAI were dragged into it. The Borg in this reality were unprepared for an attack by Federation and Romulan weaponry, but they quickly adapted. During the ensuing battle both the AURORA and the ChR AERV'MOGAI were severely damaged, however with the aid of the Coalition they were able to destroy the Borg forces and return to the wormhole.

A new Borg cube appeared and was closing on the two ships as they approached the Wormhole.

Against remarkable odds the AURORA and ChR AERV'MOGAI entered the Wormhole with the Cube in close proximity.

The Borg appeared unsure of the wormhole and didn't press home their attack. The AURORA and ChR AERV'MOGAI maneuvered behind the Borg cube, in an attempt to evade complete annihilation.

As the Borg cube reappeared in normal space it sought the nearest target and commenced an attack against the Atabi fleet. The AURORA and the ChR AERV'MOGAI also engaged the Borg vessel. Many of the Atabi Fleet were also destroyed

The Atabi Fleet then instantly engaged in a high speed run back towards their home planet. Interecpted communications indicated that a riot had broken out on the surface, and that the revolution had taken control of the palace.

The AURORA's Science Officer then reopened the Wormhole and the two ships returned to the present.