Only 5 months to go and still so much to do
A bad copy of the Ride4Kids sticker

. Construct 11 cattle troughs
Provides precious water for their animals too, and provides a separate water source so that humans and animals no longer share the same water holes.

· Construct 420 pit latrines and 11 washbasins

· Training community members on sanitation and hygiene.

So, next Monday I will be in a shopping centre to promote it.
All we need is 1,360 Australians to become partners. The project should be finish in 3 years and what a difference it will make to those 64,000 people.
For more informations phone 13 32 40 or visit World Vision web site at
Stay tuned for more updates soon.
Back to the top.

Just a quick update of what has been happening in the last few months.
The first thing to do, I thought, was to design a web site, so I asked my good friend Serge Mimoun to do it and what a great job he did don’t you think?? Then he started the slow process of teaching me how to update the site and I have to say that he showed a lot of patience, I am not sure if he has succeded at that one yet.
I thought that it would be nice if I had something to give to the children along the way, my first idea was pens of course but the problem with that it’s the volume, it takes space, so I thought what about stickers? something that they can stick on their books.
Loic Morrell, a french graphic designer, also staying with us while travelling, came at the right time to design the sticker (merci mon ami)
Now I am looking for supporters to help me with the cost of buying the pens and printing the stickers, I am sure that they will bring a smile to more than one face, so ANYONE????????…….
Another thing I am excited about is the new, World Vision project called Freedom 2002. In fact, I am so excited about it, I have volunteered to help with the promotion.
Let me tell you a little bit about it.
There is a region in South West of Ethiopia call Likimse where water is very far, so the project is to bring water to the people living in the region(64000 of them). The goal is to
· Lay 80 kms of pipeline
reduce infection of life threatening diseases and lower the high incidence of child mortality by bringing safe drinking water

· Install fresh water points
No one should have to walk more than 1 km to fetch clean and safe water. This saves valuable time for women who can use their time more wisely helping in the fields. Children will then have time to go to school.

Go to the next update

Maintenant pour mes amis francophones,
Bonjour a tous et bienvenu. En bref, ces derniers mois ont passes tres vite, d’abord mon ami Serge Mimoun m’a construit ce super site, quand pensez vous?????? Puis, petit a petit, il m’a appris a l’actualiser. Je dois dire que ce gars la a de la patience car cela n’a pas ete du gateau mais il a persevere et maintenant nous allons voir les resultats.

j'ai pense aussi que ce serai sympa d’avoir quelques chose a donner aux enfants sur la route, bien sur il y a les stylos que j’emmenerai avec moi, mais ceux ci prennent beaucoup de place, donc j’ai pense que des autos collants pourraient etre sympa aussi, ils pourraient les coller sur leurs livres par exemple.
Avec l’aide de Loic Morrell, Graphiste Francais de passage a Melbourne, nous avons crees un auto collant. Maintenant je cherche des gens de grande generosite pour m’aider a acheter tout ca, y aurait t’il des amateurs parmis vous???????????

Il y a aussi un nouveau projet pour World Vision qui me passionne beaucoup a un point que j’ai decide d’y prendre part.
Dans une region au sud ouest de l’Ethiopie, Likimse, l’eau se fait tres rare, World Vision a entrepris de construire une canalisation de 80 km afin d’acheminer de l’eau a 64,000 habitants.
Donc, je participe a la promotion de ce projet pour encourager les gens a faire des dons.
Voila les dernieres nouvelles, restez en ligne pour plus de nouveautees bientot Ride4Kids.
Salut a tous

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17/04/02. Australia.Melbourne.
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