Fiction - 'Small Town, Big Trouble, Situation Normal'
Text in italics details the actual neon rift rules used in this story. Simply ignore the italic parts if you just want to read the story.

Sitting cross legged in a room filled with the sounds of a very old refrigerator, Rook visualised whisps of blue and white energy being drawn to him through the crumbling walls and rotten wood of the floor boards. And they did.

Meditation experiences varied wildly between practitioners, Rooks hardly entering the kyladiscope world sometimes raved about. He steadily drew in the slow moving orbs of energy, his will reaching out for each. One by one they passed through his dark plated armour and touched his skin, disappearing like water droplets on a sponge. Occasionally he'd half open his eyes to read a passage from the old leather book he held through a pair of thick gauntlets.

"Wake up, now!", from across the room a deep voice suddenly grunts the command.

Rooks eyes opened in alarm. The figure was just off to the side of a window, making him barely lit while hard to see against sun light streaming in. A heavy silver pistol is in his hands, power cable being plugged in. Various bandoliers, holsters and other survival equipment covered the tough body armour he wore. He was ugly, bad teeth and a heavy brow, under which two continually calculating eyes scanned everything.

It wasn't the man that bothered Rook. This man had given the name Krieg, as in Blitzkrieg. A flamboyant handle, but his lack of extravagance or trappings of style suggested he earned it somewhere. Maybe out in the wastelands. Lifting a helmet up in both hands, Krieg donned it, then snapped the seal of his poncho on over that. What worried Rook was whatever worried a man like Krieg. Rooks own helmet felt heavy in his hands as he put it on. Grunting under the weight of his backpack as he stood up, a burden of various books and old tomes, he prepared himself.


We'll start with Rook and Blitz's statistics. Both of them actually have a lot of statistics under 17, but using the Non Exceptional Attribute Bonus Chart (located here), we can determine the bonus or penalty for each attribute. Those attributes which are over 17 are done by the usual book method.

Rook (2nd Level Line Walker)

Krieg (3rd Level Head Hunter)









+1% to all skills



+1% to all skills



No bonus or penalty



1 Vs Psychic attack, Insanity & Horror Factor



Trust/Intimidate: 15%



No bonus or penalty



-1 Damage



+1 Damage



+1 Dodge only



+3 Strike, Parry and Dodge



+3% Vs Coma/death
+1 Vs Poison only



+6% Vs Coma/Death
+2 Vs Poison & Magic



Charm/Impress: 5%



Charm/Impress: -5%


Old floorboards beneath their feet creak as they prowl down a corridor. It seems like an eternity, slowly passing patches of rising damp or graffiti. In fact it almost seemed absurd. The only thing that kept Rook from angrily questioning him was his respect for the mercenaries experience and the fact that just didn't want to waste the talisman. It cost him a lot of money and he was far away from civilisation in this forsaken town.

Nor was Rooks mood for a fight, especially against as yet unknown enemies. So from his back pack he draw the small, wooden animal figure. It had teeth marks on it, it had been a small child's toy for some time before Rook spotted its mystical energies and offered the family more money than they'd make in five years. The child cried and howled as the father prised it away from the child and handed it over. Rook didn't know if there was a moral to be learned there or not.

Krieg prepped himself at the end of the corridor, listening and ready sweep into another doorway and fill the room with blasts. Checking the recoil suppression system of the forearm blaster bolted to his bionic arm, he then produced a small cracked mirror from a pocket. Holding it out he used it to check what was in the next room.

With nothing showing, Krieg still lept into the open doorway, bracing himself in case of literally invisible attackers. A moment latter, with out looking at him, Krieg motioned for Rook to follow.

With both of them ducking under each window of the room, Krieg again braced himself at the next exit. Rook watched, while turning the small wooden figure over in his hands. A tiger, the kid called it. Rook had never seen one, just read about them while an apprentice mage. During the lull, he begins thinking back all those years while his eyes drift to something he notices protruding through the wall. It seem to spread out into three metallic hooks, each dug into the plaster. Idly looking back, he sees another in the same wall, a few meters down. He thinks about saying something to Krieg, thinks a moment too long and then there's the sound of screeching tyres from outside. A second latter the hooks bit into the wall, then the entire thing is ripped away! Stunned, wooden tiger almost falling from his hand, Rook watched as it collapsed against the ground outside and was dragged away behind a speeding truck. Huge clouds of dust were kicked up by its sudden disappearance. Then two figures appeared, one striding through the smoke, the other standing up from the back of the vehicle. Weapons lining up on him and Krieg, about to fire!


Since they're about to go into combat, lets have a look at the equipment each of them have. Its all based on party level and equipment availability. Party level in this case is (2+3)/2 then rounded down to become level 2. This means gear/repairs/spells that are in the category of level 2 are all available to them for purchase. Let's have a look at some of their equipment, to see how this affects them. After that, we'll take a look at what the hell Rook was about to do, spell casting wise.

Rook (2nd Level Line Walker)

Krieg (3rd Level Head Hunter)

Urban Warrior (current MDC: 30)
Ice Spell

Bushman (current MDC: 30)
Back Pack Battery
Bionic Arm (PS/PP: 17)
Plasma Forearm Blaster
Bionics Battery

Both characters actually started with quite tough armour (Urban Warrior and the Bushman). However, over the course of several battles, this has be worn down. In the past the two of them have gone to get their armour repaired. When this happened, the GM figured out the party level (2), looked up the table here and found out the maximum MDC the local repair facilities could return the armours to, was 30.

Blitz also owns an NG-57 and a Back Pack Battery. These are actually from party level 3 weapons and ammo availability. Blitz got these by passing a streetwise check a couple of times (how to do this is listed in the equipment availability section). He also has a bionic arm and plasma forearm blaster, which he chose to have upon character creation. Being able to make this choice at character creation represents the edge the PC's have to fore fill some sort of destiny. Initially he chose to have an e-clip come with the forearm blaster, but he's keeping it as a backup. After a superb bit of roleplay in a wastelands adventure, he gained access to equipment from a level three higher than normal (Again, this is detailed in the equipment availability section). With this, he got a bionics battery, so he'd never run out of ammo for the plasma blaster as long as he could find a power supply.

Rooks gear is typically simple for a magic user. He's picked up a few spells, the only one listed here is 'Ice', which comes from the level two spell availability list. His gear is straight forward, so let's look at the spell casting technique he was using. He's about to use a limited time slip talisman. This will let him use one attack to activate the talisman and give him seven seconds to act. During that time he'll cast his spell, which in this case will be 'Ice'. It will be completed just as the time slip ends and will essentially create an ice wall on the same attack he used the talisman. More info about this item can be found


There's a sound like that from the artic and suddenly an icy wall comes into existence in front of Rook. Light sparkles and refracts through it, as machine gun fire races along the ground and then across the icy sheet. There's the thud of each shot, all of them explosive, blowing up fist sized chunks of earth, while the mystical wall is barely scratched. The wooden lion in Rooks gauntleted hand glows briefly then fades.

Krieg snaps off a shot, the plasma blaster mounted on bionic arm spitting out a fiery retort. It manages to miss the machine gunner, who's still a moving target as the truck he's standing on is still coming to a stand still. The plasma bolt instead snaps into a small out house further away, sending the roof spinning off and catching it on fire. All the while launching himself toward the protection of the ice wall, machine gun rounds cracking open the ground behind him.

Turning to Rook while bracing his back against the mystical ice protection, Kriegs somewhat piggy eye's smile behind the visor of his helmet.

"Cooking one up for them, are ya?", he asks his companion calmly.

Rook almost interrupts his own spell by replying in anger. Weaving gesture, arcane knowledge and personal power, his hands are wreathed in mystical energy. Krieg laughs at his vexation, as a fresh wave of bullets crashed into the wall.

"Oookay, they'll be out of ammo about now…yeah, they've gone quiet!", Rook comments laconically.

Leaning out at a crouch, he levels and braces the bionic blaster again, both foes frantically busy trying to reload their now empty weapons. This time the aim is true and nasty, the fiery blast bolts straight into the face plate of the attacker on the back of the truck, sending him reeling back with a fresh clip now feeding rounds into the air.

A moment latter Rook raises his himself just above the wall, nimbus of power around a hand he now reaches forward toward his target. Suddenly the glow is gone as a bolt of fiery energy erupts from thin air and screams toward its target, the other gun man. It tears against chest plate armour, sending the figure over backwards, the sound of ceramic protective plates snapping and popping. He stops moving, smoke rising from his chest.


This combat consists of several clear cut moves.
* First, Rook uses a limited time slip talisman to complete an ice wall spell in one attack, as detailed above
. Krieg then attempts an aimed shot while moving. He can do this without firing wild (This is noted here), since bionic weapons are more like a natural ranged attack, which don't shoot wild while moving (detailed in conversion book 1). However, the target is a moving on and Rook needs a 12+ after all modifiers to hit, which he fails to get.
* Then Rook begins casting a fire bolt spell the old fashioned way, which uses up two attacks. On the first attack he remains completely hidden behind the ice wall, so although he's spending an attack doing nothing but cast, the foes attacks can only try to break down the ice wall from where they are. They can't get at him.
* On the second completing attack of the spell, Rook looks over the wall to find a target to release the spell on. This means he's exposed to fire now and until his turn comes up again(at which point he can crouch again), but he is still partially protected by cover. He fires the bolt from his hand and hits.
* Krieg made a called shot just before this. He went for the head of the target, which means he's -4 to strike. Called shots halve and round down the bonus to strike, so the normal +3 aimed strike bonus becomes +1. And to top it off he needs a 12+ (after counting modifiers) to hit the targeted location. He manages it and cracks one into the helmet of his opponent!


Fiction continued soon!(I've noticed from web stats that my page is usually looked up under the keywords of 'Rifts fiction'. So I'm looking forward to expanding this story over time)