Foes by Level
Ever wonder what sort of enemy you should be throwing at the party? Ever wanted their stats and tactics outlined, so you can just get down to the grit of combat straight away? Well here's your resource, with badguys stated and kitted out and the tactics they'll use.

These adversaries by level can also help to apply scale t the strength of your game, based on your PC's levels. While providing a ranking of combat strength per level, they also act as a reference guide for PC's access to equipment/spells for those levels. All of this combines into Neon Rifts to become a clear power structure. They only go up to level six for the time being and with adjustment rules given below, cover up to level 12. After that GM discretion is best applied.

Party level
First, add all the characters levels together and divide by the number of players (round down). The number you've now got is the party level. It's used as a benchmark to figure out what foes the player group should be fighting (Its also used to control equipment availability, see the equipment availability section).

Adversaries by level
When using these adversaries as opponents, on average the group faces opponents who are one level lower than the party level (going no lower than level one). Although this means level one PC's will face level one ranked foes at first, player characters usually start off with enough equipment to cope with this scenario (also, see chart adjustments below). Unless otherwise noted, use one foe from the chart per player character. See the random chart below for more details on this.

These enemies are designed with an attack pattern in mind. Once they appear on the battle field they use their best attack/tactic. They continue with weaker attacks after that (That is, if the best attack can only be done once effectively, which is usually the case). Their armour is balanced so that the weapons of an opponent one level higher can kill them in about two attacks. By that time they will have made their impact without having stayed so long that it makes combat tiresome and a waste of (real) time. Some of the monsters aren't quite as easy to kill, but they do have certain vulnerability's to exploit.

Random Chart
Random charts are sometimes considered old school. However, they can really help the players feel their character is facing their own fate in terms of combat, not just the GM's whim. GM's will also be biased to some small/large degree (for or against the players). Again, a random chart eliminates bias and replaces it with a sense of real fate.

To use this chart, choose what mix you want (mundane or strange creatures) then roll the appropriate die. List 7 will be included soon.


Strange Creatures

List to use



List #1, Head Hunters
List #2, Ley Line Walkers
List #3, Monsters
List #4, Magical Constructs
List #5, Intelligent Monsters
List #6, Exotic & Resistant Monsters
List #7, Power Armours

It's best to make the list in advance of the game, cutting and pasting the adversary entries onto a copy of the chart. The GM might also like to choose half or less of the foes, based on those that would be relevant to the current adventure. If the GM feels there are real world time constraints to the session, he might like to reduce all foe levels by one, which will mean quicker combat resolution.

After the chart has been filled in, simply roll on it to determine encounters during play or when constructing the adventure.

** If the adversary level rolled becomes lower than one, use a level one foe and the PC's get a surprise attack on them automatically.
** If the adversary level becomes higher than six, halve it (round down) and use twice as many enemies as listed.

Roll 1D10 (Unless otherwise noted, one foe per PC)
1 : Party Level +2: 600 XP:
2 : Party Level +1: 300 XP:
3 : Party Level: 200 XP:
4 - 8 : Party Level -1: 100 XP:
9 -10 : Party Level -2: 50 XP:

Experience from all kills is added up then divided evenly between characters.

Experience Notes: If opponents come in a group instead of one per player, the experience listed is for the whole groups defeat/destruction. Each individual in that group would only be worth an appropriate fraction of that.


I also like to add one or two lines of rumours/history for each adversary level that is revealed or known by the PC's automatically. This gives otherwise generic grunts a sense of dimension for the players.

Human adversaries attributes are considered to be ten or the minimum requirement score for the OCC.

Soon to come: Mind melters by level

List #1, Head Hunters (HTH: Expert)
Level 1
: Head Hunter w/Worn Plastic Boy armour, M16 w/two extended clips of WI-2E explosive rounds, Smoke grenade (3), HE grenade
Set up: Armour: 15 MDC, Attacks: 4
Tactics: Throw the HE grenade first (3D6 MD, Blast Radius: 2m). Next, fire the M16 in burst mode (1D6 MD per 20 round burst, two bursts from the extended clip). Smoke grenade can be used for tactical advances or retreats.

Level 2: Head Hunter w/Plastic Boy armour, NG-33 pistol (Powered by hip slung battery), Tear gas grenade (3), CS Plasma grenade
Set up: Armour: 30 MDC, Attacks: 4, P: +3, D: +3
Tactics: Throw the CS Plasma grenade first (5D6 MD, Blast Radius: 3.5m). Next, begin firing the NG-33 (1D6x2 MD per
Double Tap, ten DT's possible). Tear gas grenade can be used for tactical advances or retreats and for elimination of unprotected targets.

Level 3: Head Hunter w/Huntsman, NG-57 Pistol (Powered by
back pack battery), Falcon Jet Pack, NG Plasma grenade bandolier (full 4)
Set up: Armour: 40 MDC, Attacks: 4, I: +2, S: +2, P: +3, D: +3, Falcon Jet Pack
Tactics: Throw the entire NG Plasma grenade bandolier first (S: +1, 4D6x2 MD, Blast Radius: 3.5m). Next, begin firing the NG-57 (3D6x2 MD per Double Tap, five DT's are possible). The Jet Pack gives great versatility on the field.

Level 4: Head Hunter w/Urban Warrior, TX-5 Pump Pistol, Amplified Hearing, CS Plasma grenade bandolier (full 4)
Set up: Armour: 50 MDC, Attacks: 5, I: +5, S: +2, P: +4, D: +5, Falcon Jet Pack, Extra +1 to strike with guns.
Tactics: Throw the entire CS Plasma grenade bandolier first (S: +2, 5D6x2 MD, Blast Radius: 3.5m). Next, make called shots (Head, Arms) with the TX-5 (4D6 MD, possible knock down, 5 shots).

Level 5: Head Hunter w/Cyber Armour, Cyber Eye and Targeter on gun, Bionic Arm (PS/PP: 17) w/ Forearm Plasma Ejector (Powered by a Bionics Battery) & mini missile launcher
Set up: Armour: 50 MDC, Cyber Armour: 50 MDC (AR: 16), Attacks: 5, I: +5, S: +2, P: +4, D: +5, Falcon Jet Pack, Extra +3 to strike with guns
Tactics: First, release the mini missile (1D6x10 MD). Begin firing the Plasma Ejector (S: +6, 4D6 MD (Heavy Double Tap: 18+), 10 shots).

Level 6: Head Hunter w/Bushman Armour, C-27 Plasma Cannon, Bionic arm (PS/PP: 22) w/ two mini missile launchers
Set up: Armour: 60 MDC, Cyber Armour: 50 MDC (AR: 16), Attacks: 5, I: +5, S: +2, P: +4, D: +5, Falcon Jet Pack, Extra +4 to strike with guns, Critical on 18 to 20
Tactics: First release the two mini missiles in a volley (2D4x10 MD). Begin firing the C-27 (S: +7, 6D6 MD (Heavy Double Tap: 17+), 10 shots).


List #2, Ley Line Walkers (HTH: Basic)
Level 1
: Ley Line Walker w/Worn Plastic Boy armour, Energy Field, Magic Net, Wave of Frost, Electric Arc
Set up: Armour: 15 MDC, Attacks: 4, Vs Horror: +4
Spell hold 'Energy Field', then release it as cover or as a surrounding shield. Apply 'Wave of Frost' to the helmet visor of the target, with the ruling that it takes double the normal time to clear the frost if only using one hand (which would be two melees). Then begin casting 'Magic Net'. If still protected by 'Energy Field', cancel it just as the magic net is completed. 'Electric Arc' is used for dispatching trapped targets.

Level 2: Ley Line Walker w/Plastic Boy armour, Ice, Mental Blast, Energy Disruption, Power Bolt
Set up: Armour: 30 MDC, Attacks: 4, P: +2, D: +2, Vs Horror: +4
Tactics: Spell hold 'Ice', to create a circular wall around the mage who should then duck down into it and begin casting within. If there is any particularly powerful weapon in use, eliminate it with 'Energy Disruption'. With the new description in RBOM, it can affect weapons. Otherwise use 'Mental Blast' against anyone within its range (5D6 to HP, psionic save for half). Anyone out of range suffers called shots from 'Power Bolt' (Auto hit (Dodge of 20) or +4 on called shots, 5D6+2 MD).

Level 3: Ley Line Walker w/Huntsman, Life Ward, Fly as the Eagle, Apparition, Targeted Deflection
Set up: Armour: 40 MDC, Life ward (+30 MDC), Fly as the eagle, Attacks: 4, P: +2, D: +2, Vs Horror: +4, Vs Magic: +1, Spell Strength: 13
Tactics: Fly as the eagle is cast in advance (best done on a ley line). If the PC group usually assaults ice walls, spell hold 'Targeted Deflection'. Otherwise spell hold 'Ice' to make a wall. Then cast 'Apparition' (Horror: 10, S: +2, 4D6 fake damage, D: +6), sicking it onto whoever fails their save. Then continue with level two tactics.

Level 4: Ley Line Walker w/Urban Warrior, Invulnerability, Mental Shock, Sub Particle Acceleration, Wind Rush
Set up: Armour: 50 MDC, Life ward (+30 MDC), Fly as the eagle, Attacks: 5, P: +2, D: +2, Vs Horror: +4, Vs Magic: +1, Spell Strength: 13
Tactics: Spell hold 'Invulnerability'. If kinetic weapons are being employed, then cast 'Ice' to make a wall. Powerful targets should be targeted with 'Mental Shock'. Medium targets should suffer called shots from 'Sub Particle Acceleration'. For a large number of lesser foes cast 'Wind rush', and assume the second round of recovery is like being under 'Befuddle' penalties.

Level 5: Ley Line Walker w/Invincible Armour, Shockwave, Wisps of Confusion, Lightening Arc
Set up: Armour: 50 MDC, Life ward (+30 MDC), Fly as the eagle, Attacks: 5, I: +1, S: +1, P: +2, D: +2, Vs Horror: +4, Vs Magic: +1, Spell Strength: 13
Tactics: Spell hold 'Invincible Armour' now creates good mobile protection. If opponents get close and surround, release a 'Shockwave' spell. Rushing into enemy ranks to release shockwaves is also a possible (and dangerous) tactic. Otherwise debilitate multiple opponents with 'Wisps of Confusion'. Then cast 'Lightening Arc' to finish, as PPE will be rather low by now.

Level 6: Ley Line Walker w/Summon Canines, Fire Globe, Summon Fog, Spinning Blades
Set up: Armour: 50 MDC, Life ward (+30 MDC) , Fly as the eagle, 10 Fire Globes, 7 summoned Hounds, Attacks: 5, S: +1, P: +2, D: +2, Critical on 19 or 20, Vs Horror: +4, Vs Magic: +2, Spell Strength: 13
Tactics: Make a rule call that the (precast) fog can be instantly used to continually shroud/blind 3 individuals (half the casters level). The hounds are used to knock down opponents while the mage casts spells (SOT 5, P:91). Statistics: I: +2, A: 3, S: +3. Leap attack knocks human sized opponents down (perhaps the beasts are magically boosted by the summoning). Fire globes are thrown first unless there is time enough to start a spinning blades spell. Once the blade starts spinning its used continually.

List #3, Monsters
Level 1
: Tomb worms (Four per player character, Horror factor: 14)
Statistics: MDC: 7, Attacks: 4, S: +1, P: +2, D: +2, All saves: +2, Impervious to Cold
Tactics: Needs power bites to inflict 1D4 MD, which uses all the creatures attacks.

Level 2: Harpy (Horror Factor: 16)
Statistics: MDC: 25, Attacks: 4, S: +1, P: +1, D: +3, Vs Magic: +3
Tactics: Harpy stench forces a saving throw for those breathing it verses non lethal poison or suffer -3 to strike, parry, dodge and initiative. Modified strike rolls of 1 to 11 = a bite (1D4 MD), 12+ = claws (1D8 MD)

Level 3: Young Gryphon (Horror Factor: 13)
Statistics: MDC: 71, Attacks: 3, I: +2, S: +4, D: +4, Vs Magic: +4, All other saving throws: +2, Spd: 14 / 78 (flying)
Tactics: Modified strike rolls of 1 to 11 = a bite (1D6 MD), 12+ = full strength claws (2D6+4 MD)

Level 4: Ostrosaurus (Horror Factor: 12)
Statistics: MDC: 90 (Head: 40 MDC), Attacks: 4, I: +3, S: +4, P: +6, D: +8
Tactics: When it initially charges in, it will do a leap attack (two attacks). It has an 80% chance of knocking down opponents who are below 3m in height, and pinning them. While pinning, it can automatically bite for 2D6 MD. When making normal attacks, a modified strikes of 1 to 11 = a bite (2D6 MD), 12+ = rear claw attack (3D6 MD)

Level 5: Black Faerie (Horror Factor: 16)
Statistics: MDC: 120, Attacks: 4 (Two magic)
Spell holds 'Fire Bolt'. Sometimes attempts an 'Agony' spell, using up a whole melee. When making normal attacks, a modified strikes of 1 to 11 = a bite (1D6 MD), 12+ = tail strike (1D6 MD), which has a 60% chance of knocking down opponent who looses an attack.

Level 6: Loogaroo Mage (Horror Factor: 16), 5th level ley line walker, Wisps of Confusion, Lightening Arc.
Statistics: MDC: 100, Attacks: 5, S: +2, P: +4, D: +4, Vs Magic: +4, Vs Horror: +4, Spell Strength: 13
Tactics: Spell holds 'Wisps of Confusion'. Becomes invisible at the beginning of the fight (after saves verses horror have been made) while also casting. Makes swooping attacks, modified strikes of 1 to 11 = small claws (1D6 MD), 12+ = large claws (2D6 MD). For tougher opponents it will cast 'Lightening Arc'.

List #4, Magical Constructs
Level 1
: Apparition (Two per player character, Horror factor: 10, standard saving throw not to be affected by it)
Statistics: MDC: unlimited, Attacks: 1D4+2, S: +2, P: +3, D: +6
Tactics: Apparition often appear as something extraordinarily nasty. They can attack only those who fail their saves, those who pass are unaffected and the creature is invisible to them (-10 to strike it). The creature simply lashes out over and over (4D6 MD fake damage). The creature can be destroyed by having something made of iron/an iron rod plunged into it. Otherwise duration is one minute.
Background Notes: The apparition usually comes from person(s) with the appropriate scroll (sometimes a mage) from a hiding spot, to direct the action from. They don't have much else apart from the magic (no guns & little armour). Once the apparitions are destroyed/gone these guys always retreat via some pre-planned route.

Level 2: Animated Skeletons (Eight per player character)
Statistics: SDC: 60, Attacks: 2, S: +0, P: +0, D: +0, Speed: 7, Fire inflicts double damage, piercing weapons inflict half damage.
Tactics: Finger bones of each hand have been hardened and sharpened necromantically (1 MD per strike). Special gang attack rule: Don't make attack rolls for each skeleton individually, instead make a strike roll with +1 to strike for every skeleton attacking the same target. If the modified strike roll is over 12+, they all hit (otherwise only half of them hit). For each that strike, damage is 1 MD (or 3D6x10 if you prefer). They can do two of these per round, but make sure to adjust for dropping numbers. Strikes of a modified 20 or over hit two skeletons. Piercing attacks do half damage.
Background Notes: They are usually activated and controlled by person(s) with the appropriate scroll from a hiding spot, to direct the action from. The operators don't have much else (no guns & little armour). Once the undead are destroyed these guys always retreat via some pre-planned route.

Level 3: Mummy (Four per player character)
Statistics: SDC: 120, Attacks: 3, S: +0, P: +1, D: +0, Speed: 7, Afraid of fire, Explosives and fire attacks do normal damage, any other types of mega damage attack gets converted to SDC before being applied.
Tactics: Wields a necromantic bone sceptre (2D6 MD to MDC targets, 5D6 SD to SDC targets).
Background Notes: The bone sceptre is enchanted so that once the mummy is destroyed or it's separated from the mummy, it will crumble to dust.

Level 4: Zombie (four per player character, Horror factor: 12)
Statistics: SDC: 150, Attacks: 2, S: +0, P: +2, D: +2, Speed: 10, Normal energy attacks (except for fire) do half damage, Physical attacks (unless silver coated or an explosive) get converted to SDC.
Tactics: Wields a Uzi w/ extended clip of Ramjet rounds (S: -4, 5 MD, three bursts from the extended clip).

Level 5: Zombie w/Bone armour (three per player character, Horror factor: 12)
Statistics: MDC: 22 (doesn't cover its head), SDC: 150, Attacks: 2, S: +0, P: +2, D: +2, Speed: 10, Normal energy attacks (except for fire) do half damage, Physical attacks (unless silver coated or an explosive) get converted to SDC.
Tactics: Wields a 'Skull with Flaming Eyes' (S: -2, 5D6 MD, six bolts)
Background Notes: The skull is enchanted so that once the zombie is destroyed or it's separated from the zombie, it will crumble to dust.

Level 6: Stone Golem w/diamond heart (Horror factor: 16)
Statistics: MDC: 70, Attacks: 4, Speed: 8, Magic energy attacks and normal weapons do half damage, regenerates 1D6 MD per round.
Tactics: Starts combat with a full speed ram attack (4D6 MD), then hammers its foes with its fists (2D6). If reduced to 20 MDC or less there is a 50% chance they will retreat (Masters orders). However, if they are attacked again they will return with a full speed ram attack.

List #5, Intelligent Monsters
Level 1
: Bogie (Horror Factor: 8)
Statistics: MDC: 20, A: 4, I: +2, S: +1, D: +4 (auto), Vs Horror: +4, Vs Magic: +2, Spd: 14
Tactics: First appear as large spiders as camouflage for ambush, then morph into true form. Spell holds 'Befuddle'. If that works, may also continue with mystical disorientation with 'Wisps of Confusion', then 'Wind Rush'. At some point it'll attack with a vibro blade, which it wields like a sword (1D6 MD). Also has night vision.

Level 2: Bug Bears (Horror Factor: 12)
Statistics: MDC: 31, Attacks: 4, S: +3, P: +3, D: +3/Invis: +7, Vs Magic: +3, Vs Poison: +3, Vs Horror: +3, Spd: 14
Tactics: Starts the combat invisible. May morph into big bear to do more damage. Once every two melees, can do a teleport dodge (+10 to dodge). When making attacks, a modified strikes of 1 to 11 = a bite (1D4 MD), 12+ = claw attack (3D6 MD/4D6 as a bear)

Level 3: Jotan (Horror Factor: 12)
Statistics: MDC: 50, Attacks: 4, S: +4, P: +7, D: +7, Vs Horror: +3, Spd: 10
Tactics: The giant will rush in and attack, a modified strike of 1 to 11 = a punch (3D6 MD), 12+ = kick (4D6 MD). Also has night vision and take half damage from fire. May have a NG-33 ( 1D6x2 MD per Double Tap, ten DT's are possible) for use against areal opponents.

Level 4: Melech (Horror Factor: 16)
Statistics: MDC: 70, Attacks: 5, S: +3, P: +3, D: +4, All saves: +2, Spd: 34
Tactics: When it initially charges in, it will do a leap attack. It does 1D4 MD and has a 70% chance of knocking down opponents, then there's a 50% chance of pinning them, giving auto attacks with front claws (1D4 MD). When making normal attacks, a modified strikes of 1 to 11 = claws (1D4 MD), 12+ = bite attack (1D8 MD). Also is impervious to drugs. May have a NG-57 ( 3D6x2 MD per Double Tap, five DT's are possible) for use against areal opponents.

Level 5: Nightmare (Horror Factor: 12)
Statistics: MDC: 60, Attacks: 4, S: +2, P: +2, D: +2, Vs Magic: +2, Vs Psionics: +2, Spd: 10 / 31(flying)
Tactics: Turns invisible a moment after the beginning of combat (to set off horror factors). Then uses bio manipulation (Roll 1D8 to determine which power, 8 = paralysis). After that it will attempt to hypnotically suggest its opponent remove its helmet (if its wearing one). Opponent is +4 to save because it’s a rushed combat suggestion. If the foe fails, the nightmare will attempt to mind bolt their head off! If it fails it will try an empathic transmission (usually fear). Then it begins physical attacks (1D6 MD). Also has mind block auto defence.

Level 6: Sowki (Horror Factor: 14)
Statistics: MDC: 100, Attacks: 5, I: +1, S: +3, P: +3, D: +2, Vs Magic: +3, Vs Psionics: +2, Vs Horror: +8, Spd: 10
Tactics: Will spell hold 'Multiple Images', and then begin casting 'Horror' with its foes weapon as the target. After that it will attempt to hypnotically suggest its opponent remove its helmet (if its wearing one). Opponent is +4 to save because it’s a rushed combat suggestion. Moving in, a modified strike of 1 to 11 = a bite (2D4 MD), 12+ = a punch attack (6D6 MD). It will cast 'Throwing Stones' if presented with an areal target, or perhaps cast an areal 'Apparition'. Also has night vision and can see the invisible.

List #6, Exotic & Resistant Monsters
Level 1
: Dirt & Clay Tectonic Entity (Horror Factor: 10)
Statistics: SDC: 1000 (MDC: 10), A: 3, I: +1, S: +2, P: +2, D: +2, Vs Horror: +10, Vs Magic: +2, Vs Psionics: +1, Spd: 10
Tactics: Half damage from everything except fire and explosives. Starts with a charge (2D4 MD) then begins punching (1D4 MD). Also has night vision.

Level 2: Werewolf (Horror Factor: 12)
Statistics: HP: 41, A: 4, I: +1, S: +2, P: +2, D: +3, Vs Horror: +6, Vs Magic: +2, Vs Psionics: +2), Spd: 21 / 50 (wolf form)
Tactics: Invulnerable to all attacks except psionics, magic and silver. When attacking, a modified strike of 1 to 11 = claw strike (1D6 MD), 12+ = a bite (2D6 MD). Psionics: Sixth sense, see invisible.

Level 3: Zavour (Horror Factor: 10)
Statistics: HP: 30, SDC: 50, A: 3, S: +2, P: +3, Spd: 7
Tactics: Invulnerable to all attacks including magic, cold and fire. Only psionics, silver and iron can hurt it. Magic actually causes a fully functioning twin to form (takes two melee's to form). Claws do 1D4 MD. Also has night vision and can see the invisible.

Level 4: Maxparry Shambler (Horror Factor: 14)
Statistics: MDC: 81, A: 3, Spd: 7
Tactics: Immune to all but magic and normal fire (MD fire inflicts double damage). Immune to psionics. When attacking, a modified strike of 1 to 11 = a bite (2D6 MD), 12+ = claw attack (3D6 MD)

Level 5: Spectre (Horror Factor: 16)
Statistics: MDC: 50, A: 2(4 Psionic), S: +2, D: +2, Vs Horror: +6, Vs Magic: +2, Vs Psionics: +2), Spd: 7 / 22 (flying)
Tactics: Invulnerable to all attacks except psionics & magic. Starts with bio manipulation (Roll 1D8 to determine which power, 8 = paralysis). Power punch (two attacks) does 1D4 MD. Psionics: Sixth sense, see invisible. After that it will attempt to hypnotically suggest its opponent remove its helmet (if its wearing one). Opponent is +4 to save because it’s a rushed combat suggestion. If the foe fails, the spectre will attempt to mind bolt their head off! Also has mind block auto.

Level 6: Yema (Horror Factor: 16)
Statistics: MDC: 110, A: 4, S: +3, P: +2, D: +2, All Saves: +4 (Magic & Poison: +7), Spd: 14 / 70 (flying)
Tactics: Impervious to all but magic and silver. When attacking, a modified strike of 1 to 11 = a bite (1D8 MD), 12+ = claw attack (4D6 MD)


List #7, Power Armour
Note: Pilots of combat vehicles are mercenaries with repair concerns. Once their vehicles reach a certain level of damage, they will retreat.
Level 1: CAI-100 Warmonger, Hand Held Version of ATV Speedsters Heavy Machine Gun, HE grenade
Set up: Vehicle MDC: 40, (Personal Armour: 15 MDC), Attacks: 5, S: +1, P: +1, D: +1
Tactics: Fights as a moving target. Throws the HE grenade first (3D6 MD, Blast Radius: 2m), a wild throw (-4). Equipped with a hand held heavy machinegun like that from a ATV speedster (S:-4 while moving, 1D4 MD (Heavy Double Tap: 13+)). Once the vehicle has lost 15 MDC, the pilot will retreat.

Level 2: CAI-50 Challenger Light Combat Armour, Heavy Machine Gun w/disintegrating belt of WI-2E explosive rounds , CS Plasma grenade
Set up: Vehicle MDC: 120, Attacks: 4, S: +1, P: +4, D: +4
Tactics: Fights as a moving target. Throws the CS Plasma grenade first (5D6 MD, Blast Radius: 3.5m), a wild throw (-4). (S:-4 while moving, 2D6 MD per 20 round burst (Heavy Double Tap: 17+)). Once the vehicle has lost 30 MDC, the pilot will retreat.

Level 3: Chipwell Assault Suit, Machine Gun, Integral Laser
Set up: Vehicle MDC: 150, Attacks: 4, I: +2, S: +3, P: +4, D: +4
Tactics: Fights as a moving target, as it doesn't fire wild with mounted weapons. First it fires the integral wilks laser in pulse mode (1D6x10 MD, no called shots), after which rule that it can't do so again this combat, because of its limited nuclear supply. It then switches to its machine gun (5D6 MD, heavy double burst is too dangerous and difficult). Once the vehicle has lost 40 MDC, the pilot will retreat.

Level 4: Flying Titan PA, Wing Lasers, HE mini missiles (2)
Set up: Vehicle MDC: 180, Attacks: 6, I: +2, D: +9 (+11 when flying over 250mph), Ranged Strike: +1
Tactics: Fights as a moving target, as it doesn't fire wild with mounted weapons. Fires a volley of two HE mini missiles (5D6x2 MD). It then starts making called shots with its wing lasers (2D6 MD). Once the PA has lost 50 MDC, the pilot will retreat.

Level 5: T-21 Terrain Hopper, C-27 Plasma Cannon, Worn E-clip(s)
Set up: Vehicle MDC: 170, Attacks: 6, I: +2, Auto Dodge: +5 when jumping, Ranged Strike: +1
Tactics: Fights as a moving target, even though weapons fire wildly. Fires a C-27 Plasma Cannon wild at targets (6D6 MD, -4 to strike without aim bonus). Once the PA has lost 50 MDC, the pilot will retreat.

Level 6: Samas, C-40R Rail Gun, Armour Piercing Mini Missiles (2)
Set up: Vehicle MDC: 250, Attacks: 7, I: +2, D: +4 (+6 when flying), Ranged Strike: +3, Critical on 19 or 20.
Tactics: Fights as a moving target, as it doesn't fire wild with mounted weapons. First releases a volley of two armour piercing mini missiles (2D4x10 MD). Then fires the C-40R Rail gun (1D4x10 MD, 50 bursts). Once the PA has lost 60 MDC, the pilot will retreat.


List #8, Vehicles (under construction)
Level 1: ATV Speedster, Mounted Machine Gun, HE grenade
Set up: Vehicle MDC: 75, (Personal Armour: 15 MDC), Attacks: 4
Tactics: Fights as a moving target, as it doesn't fire wild with mounted weapons. Throw the HE grenade first (3D6 MD, Blast Radius: 2m), a wild throw (-4). Equipped with a machinegun (1D4 MD). Once the vehicle has lost 15 MDC, the pilot will retreat. To hit the pilot, a called shot at -3 must be made.

Level 2: NG Sky King, Twin Mounted Machine Guns (in place of rail guns), HE mini missile
Set up: Vehicle MDC: 130, (Personal Armour: 30 MDC), Attacks: 4, D: +5 (+ 8 when flying over 350mph)
Tactics: Fights as a moving target, as it doesn't fire wild with mounted weapons. Fire HE mini missile first (5D6 MD). Equipped with twin machineguns (2D4 MD). Once the vehicle has lost 30 MDC, the pilot will retreat. To hit the pilot, a called shot at -3 must be made.

Level 3: Sky Cycle, CR-4T Laser Turret, HE mini missile
Set up: Vehicle MDC: 130, (Personal Armour: 40 MDC), Attacks: 4, I: +2, D: +6 (+ 8 when flying over 250mph)
Tactics: Fights as a moving target, as it doesn't fire wild with mounted weapons. It continually duel fires (6D6 MD, no called shots). Once the vehicle has lost 40 MDC, the pilot will retreat. To hit the pilot, a called shot at -3 must be made.