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Moonsea Marauder's
The Good Omen's
Friends & Enemies
The New Crew
The Hapless Scions

Here are the groups and characters that I play in and with.

  • Moonsea Marauder's - Here are the valiant members of the Moonsea Marauders. Men and women of pure heart and glorious deeds. Come in and see who we are.

  • The Good Omen's - These brave fellows are in past there necks in Hell. Will any of them survive to tell the tale?

  • Friends, Enemies and Unknowns - You just never know who might pop up here. Look and see is the best way of finding out.

  • The New Crew - These are the new characters that have started afresh in the far north of the world. From Sundabar to Silverymoon and beyond to the great desert Anuroch.