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Budgies are Go!!
Continued forward to January 2004
Budgies are Go!!
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Ludwig Van Budgie-Bird |
Amadeus Bat-Budgie |
Wolfgang Razorbeak |
Sunday 28th December 2003
Almost all day, Wolfgang was determined to be the rebel, as noisy as he could be, despite him being well aware of my attitude.
Thursday 25th December 2003
~6.30pm - The heat was so bad this afternoon, that I took out of storage my two fan heaters, plugged them in, turned them to "no heat", and projected cool breeze towards the Budgies. Ludwig was immediately impressed. Amadeus & Wolfgang were a bit intimidated at first, but soon got used to the pleasures of these zephyrs! This breeze continues now at 7.35pm.
Ludwig has still been trying to encourage me at times to open the blinds!! He does this by looking pointedly, as if out of the windows. My decision: the blinds stayed firmly closed. He does not seem to comprehend the connection of sunlight & heat!
Tuesday 24th December 2003
Early - Ludwig Van Budgie-Bird is making encouraging noises. He is saying: "stay home; put on some music". My Little Friend: nothing would I like more!
Tuesday 23rd December 2003
~10.20pm - As I cleaned Wolfgang's cage, I had the cage door up. When I went to the bathroom basin to change his water, I deliberately left it up. But when I returned, Wolfgang was quite unmoved form his swing.
Sunday 14th December 2003
~Dusk - As part of the cleaning of Wolfgang's cage, I took his water dish to the bathroom basin, emptied it, thoroughly rinsed it & filled it up with fresh clean water. When I returned with it, I realised I had left the cage door fully up & open. So he could have easily flown out. But he was seated on the same perch, and so had apparently made no attempt at "freedom". They would seem to perceive these matters differently from how we do. The cage as safety!
Saturday 13th December 2003
2.34pm. - Ludwig Van Budgie-Bird had his beak on his back, in sleep mode. Instantly the first two chords of Beethoven's 5th Symphony began, his head came up, then quickly back down on his back, and then just as quickly back up. - It was as if his thoughts went: "what's that"; "oh, its just music"; "but it's very good!". - The recording is by the Leipzig Gewandhausorchester, with Kurt Masur at the baton.
Tuesday 9th December 2003
Early today, Ludwig seemed to be trying to encourage me to stay - Put the light, play some music. But alas, not possible. On arriving home, earlier than yesterday, but still past the jackhammering - I never got to hear it! - the birds seemed happier than on the previous day. But then Ludwig had good sleep overnight. He likes to nap during the day, intermittently. So perhaps he was unable to yesterday, and this caused his tireness.
Monday 8th December 2003
I was late home, after the jackhammering next door had ended. Ludwig looked tired, but the youngsters, Amadeus & Wolfgang seemed fine. However, I noted from the pattern of droppings, that all three had spent almost all the day on their respective swings.
Ludwig did perk up when I put on some music.
Wednesday 3rd December 2003
The raised cage of Wolfgang has had the effect of making him less of a rebel. He now does generally tone down the noise when I ask. I had long wanted that kind of low table, but it was just fortuitous that it appeared when it did. One person unwanted rubbish may well be another's proud possession!
Sunday 30th November 2003
Someone throw out two small coffee tables. I rescued them from the garbage area & thoroughly cleaned them. Now, in the late afternoon, I have slotted one under Wolfgang's cage, which raises him to the same height as Amadeus' cage. He quickly became happily excited, and started climbing all over the wall of his cage, which adjuts hers, to catch the new perspectives. This is good, as I have had recurrences of having to reuse last sunday's "punishment" on several days during the past week. This includes this morning, when I moved him into the dimly lit library, which is full of books, plus two partially working PCs. As Wolfgang cannot read, and the PCs were both black screened at that time, he was bored stupid. He hated it & it gave me no joy.
Sunday 23rd November 2003
Wolfgang was in that mood where he insisted on shrieking at the top of his voice, responding to the Rainbow Lorrikeets. So I moved him to the my bedroom, where it was dark, as the blinds were closed. He did like this, and I did not like doing it to him, but it was the only way to get some piece in the early morning.
Ludwig and Amadeus do keep the noise down when I ask. Wolfgang knows just as well as they do, what I am asking. He is just thsi determined rebel.
Tuesday 17th November 2003
As I glanced behind me, I saw Ludwig Van Budgie Bird watching the television. He was positioned as perfectly as he could be, to catch the telecast images with eye & ear. Indeed, he was in intense concentration. He must regard the television screen as a kind of window; as people do.
E 10.47 switched off radio to put on Ludwig radio, but Ludwig had already put in a note of complaint before I could switch it on.
Sunday 17th November 2003
Early afternoon: Amadeus boredom seems to continue. She appears currently, to be flirting with Wolfgang, whom she is next to, but her right eye is clearly fixed across the width of the cage on Ludwig, who seems to be in one of his "stand on the ground in the corner of the cage" moods. The late Andy Shreikbeak was very fond of this. As Ludwig formed a close bond with Andy, I suppose it is not surprising he picked up some of his habits.
The question is as to whether he is merely copying a habit without any reason - Budgies are great imitators, as most Parrots are; or whether he is doing this as some particular homage to Andy. - This does not mean some great ritual; but if Ludwig happened to think of Andy, he may stand in the corner like Andy did, as a confirmation of that memory. While it is wrong to automatically assume human qualities in Budgies; it is equally, if not more incorrect, to asume they have no more mind than a Lizard.
Thursday 4th November 2003
Late afternoon: I think Amadeus is bored. She is finding new ways to climb around her feeder.
Tuesday 4th November 2003
Wolfgang seems to be knocking one arm free on his swing quite a lot, when I am there to put it back for him. This was so this afternoon, but I have also noticed it previously at times over the previous fortnight. Perhaps it is attention seeking.
Monday 27th October 2003
Today I noticed from the pattern of droppings, that Wolfgang spends much time on the long perch closest to Amadeus' cage, at the point where her tall translucent feeder, keeps him essentially hidden. Is he being playful, or seeking privacy.
Thursday 24th October 2003
Wolfgang, like Ludwig, also does a convincing Leaden Flycatcher imitation, I noticed today. And I am sure that Amadeus does likewise. The said Leaden Flycatchers are now well established in Cremorne. Their rather shrill staccato calls split the pre-dawn darkness.
Wednesday 22nd October 2003
At mid-afternoon, I noticed that Wolfgang seems to be swinging at angle. So I looked closely and saw that, instead of hanging on the same bar, the swing-arm on Wolfgang's right was now two bars along from where I had left it. So he must have knocked this arm off the bar - as he oft does, with either or both arms - then with quite some effort, got the arm hooked back on the bar, albeit not quite in the right place. I told him that he was a very clever budgie. And as soon as he moved off the swing, I corrected it; which I hope he did not take as a criticsm!
Tuesday 21st October 2003
I had lettuce for all three, but Amadeus, if she wanted some, had to share it with Wolfgang. I did not see her partake. But I will persist, now that I have noticed how important the "lettuce ritual" is to the little grey-blue Budgie, who feels that the whole world is persecuting him.
Monday 20th October 2003
Just after 6pm, I put lettuce for Ludwig and Amadeus, through the adjoining cage bars; and for Wolfgang in his cage. The latter became frantic, for while he did not vocalise, he frenetically danced up and down the perch. He clearly wanted to be where he used to feed and ignored his lettuce because he would have to turn around to feed. So I moved his lettuce so that he could see them when he ate. And he now nibbled the lettuce.
I realise now the lonliness he is feeling. But I could not leave him suffering blood cuts to the head. It is a difficult world.
Sunday 19th October 2003
I noticed today that Wolfgang had a second cut on his forehead, courtesy of Amadeus. His eyes, too, seem to indicate that he is not in top health. I had concerns about this on thursday, and they have been confirmed today. So I went to the Paddy's markey in Haymarket, early this afternoon, and bought a cage for $48.00. It is not perfect, but close enough. I cleaned it thoroughly with soap and water, plus a dash of disinfectant; followed by a very complete rinse.
When it was fully dry, just after 6.00pm, I moved Wolfgang into the new cage. He was very reluctant, tried to remove my little finger, left hand, and was in mild shock at times afterwards, as indicated by his wings held lightly stretched, plus occasional mild shivering. Initially the hock just ran its course; but later he would get his wings down by preening them. Clever! Ludwig, curiously enough made alternately critical noises to me, and soothing ones to Wolfgang, who is not exactly his best friend.
At last Wolfgang took to his swing - I moved his favourite toys in - and rocked himself quite firmly. It stressed me to see him stressed, and talked to him quite some time, to try to calm him. One toy is a chain of plastic rings which I have hanging down in front of him, when he is on the swing. Sometimes he rubs his head on them, sometimes he bites them, and sometimes I suspect he hides from the world behind them.
Saturday 18th October 2003
~6.00pm. I heard bickering; turned around to see that Amadeus had climbed the length of the cage to evict Wolfgang from his swing. I firmly told her to return to her swing, which she did quickly. Then, less than a minute later, I heard cage climbing behind me. I truned to see Wolfgang, now, heading for Amadeus' end. I told him to return, but he jut sat on the lowere perch, seemingly attempting to look innocent. On the third call from me, he finally returmned to his swing. But ten minutes later he was off again. Once more, he retuned only with great reluctance.
However, it is now 8.00pm and they seem to have stayed put.
8.08pm. Ludwig hopped off his swing, but his tail stayed on it. He became quite distressed, so I lifted it up to release his tail. Most Budgies can get the tail out of such situations without fuss, but then he was late being introduced to swings!
Thursday 16th October 2003
~6.30pm. I heard sounds of sharp squabbling. I turned to look and saw that Amadeus had left her swing and was in the process of evicting Wolfgang from his. I told her to stop, and she reluctantly retreated to the other end of the cage. About five minutes later, arguing again. Once more I told Amadeus to stop and go to her swing. She retreated, and this time got on her swing. The fighting thus ended.
I am concerned about this cut on Wolfgang's forehead. His eye seemed to indicate he is not well; but it is hard to look closely, as he gets suspicious and turns away. In the end, I decided that he was probably alright, and it was perhaps just that the feathers around his left eye have an unusual appearance.
Sunday 12th October 2003
~3pm. Wolfgang was in hyperactive form, doing spectacular gymnastics on a swing, whilst also biting it. But this is the swing that Amadeus considers her especial property. At 3.50pm, having become bored with eating, she decided to evict him. He was greatly aggrieved, and they faced each other verbal threats, and with air pecks which were very close to body contact. I firmly told them to stop; then talked soothingly to them both. For whatever reason, be it fear of me or understanding, they desisted; albeit the dispute flaired again an hour later, although with less venom.
Saturday 6th October 2003
~9am. Not just a pretty face! Ludwig made a brief call. Then, about 5 seconds later, there was a Magpie Currawong call which ended the same way. See also my comment of 20th September 2003. He does a very good imitation of a leaden Flycatcher also!
Wolfgang, on the other hand, specialises in imitating Rainbow Lorikeets; so that he may screech at the full stretch of his small but mighty lungs!
Sunday 28th September 2003
~10am. Wolfgang has some signs of blood on his forehead, plus his tail feathers are mostly gone. Amadeus, for certian, is responsible.
8.45pm. Ludwig is sleeping on his swing. It is becoming a habit once more. This is good, as it shows self-confidence; that an old bird can be an alert and learning bird.
Saturday 27th September 2003
At 6.45pm I noticed that Ludwig was on his swing, and not just a hop on and then off, but there seemingly for the long haul. He apparently was inspired by lots of music today. At 10.35pm he was still there, and I believe this was a continuous sitting. Whatever frightened him, he seems to have got over; for the moment at least.
Tuesday 23rd September 2003
From ~6.00pm, Doctor Who on ABC TV again. Ludwig's attention was only caught in the first few minutes of the Daleks speaking. No doubt, it was quite new to him, and he is fond of new sounds.
With Wolfgang and Amadeus, I found it hard to determine whether they listened or not. Those two spend much of their time trying to psyche each other out, when they are not actually fighting. Wolfgang's tail all but disappeared about a week ago, but it is already growing back.
Monday 22nd September 2003
From ~6.00pm to ~6.15pm. Ludwig seemed to be intently watching Doctor Who on ABC TV. Quite possibly, it was the novelty of the black & white picture, which had his attention!
While the Australian Chamber Orchestra - "Musical Renegrades - CD1" and then Sebastian Hardie - "Four Moments" - played, I tackled some correspondence chess games. I heard periodic excited little shrieks from Ludwig. At 9.04pm I heard some brief flapping and turned around immediately. Ludwig was on the perch, but his swing was swinging, although it soon slowed to a stop. He must have become so excited due to the music, that he got on the swing, only to almost immediately leave it again. Perhaps excitement overcame fear, but then fear overcame excitement!
Saturday 20th September 2003
Ludwig made a certain brief call, around 8am. Seconds later, a Pied Currawong made a short but longer call, which ended the same way. Then a second Pied Currawong called the same way as the first. Only then did I realise that this particular call of Ludwig's, which I had heard before, is actually in imitation of Pied Currawongs.
Wednesday 17th September 2003
I had fallen asleep early and slept 3 hours, with 2MBS-FM on, plus all the lights. I was awake and up, just after 10pm, and doing necessary housework. I switched the Sitting Room [= Budgie Room] light off at 10.50pm. No avian comment. But when I switched off the the radio, I had a single word complaint form Ludwig; nothing form the younger generation. So I put on, with low volume, a CD of Joseph Haydn's Cello Concertos 1 & 2, by M. Rpstropovic and the Academy Of Saint Martin In The Field. This seemed to content Ludwig, when I said good night to them. Amadeus' attitude, I am not sure. But Wolfgang was awake and swinging his swing very enthusiastically!
Thursday 11th September 2003
I know that Wolfgang and Amadeus were fighting today when I was out, for when I returned Wolfgang's longest tail feather was now perpendicular to its original direction.
I just happen to turn towards the cages at ~6.45pm, to see that Ludwig was on his swing. But immediately he saw me looking at him, he got off and back on to the close by perch.
Tuesday 9th September 2003
Just before 4pm, I was playing the Emerson, Lake & Palmer CD "Brain Salad Surgery". During "Still You Turn Me On" - a lyrical number - Ludwig warbled sweetly throughout, whilst the other two were mostly silent. It ended, and the silent pause was met with their silence. The opening chords of raucous "Benny The Bouncer" immediatley brought a raucous response from Wolfgang, whilst the other two were mostly silent.
5.45pm. 2MBS-FM playing - Classical music. All three were listening, but while Ludwig listened with his left ear, Wolfgang & Amadeus listened with thier right ears. The head turns here were distinct and unmistakeable.
Saturday 6th September 2003
8.15pm. I went to say goodnight to the Budgies. The main light was off; the night-light was on; and they had been listening to 2MBS-FM for 4 hours: nearly 3 hours Classical tradition; 1 hour Jazz; and now Blues. To my pleasant surprise, Ludwig was on his swing. Music does inspire him to try things. And I do recall his excited little chirps around 7.30pm.
Wolfgang & Amadeus regard swings as just a matter of course; but then they took to them at a young age.
Saturday 6th September 2003
~11.45am. After I changed the paper in his cage, as I was cleaning up the seed dishes & replinishing them, but before I had changed his water; Ludwig van Budgie-Bird surprised me by, fully in my attention, climbing on to his swing from the nearby perch, immediately turning around on it, and then, just as quickly, climbing off on to the same perch.
Perhaps it was the mild panic which this daily process always produces in him, which made him forget that he was not going on the swing any more. Or perhaps, he was trying to impress me.
Tuesday 2nd September 2003
~10pm. Still I am unable to persuade Ludwig to trust his swing again. I was also concerned about his breathing, which does seem a little heavy. However he is showing pleasure at the music on 2MBS-FM: by raising his head feathers; and by sporadic little cheerful chirps.
Saturday 30th August 2003
I have noticed in recent days, that Ludwig is avoiding his swing, both at day & at night. perhaps there has been some fall I did not witness. My encouragement has met no success.
Saturday 23rd August 2003
Ludwig, this morning, was adding short phrases to his enthusiastic warbling, in close imitation of the Leaden Flycatchers' high pitched staccato trill. His warbling was in response to the Classical Music playing.
Wednesday 20th August 2003
This afternoon when I got home, Wolfgang had clearly recovered his stamina and was his old self. I think, however, that I should have left him overnight in the carry cage, as he felt safe there and probably wanted to recover without having to cope with Amadeus!
Tuesday 19th August 2003
The travel cage worked to perfection. There was suprisingly small trouble in getting hold of Wolfgang, and getting him into it. He adjusted well to it, and to the bus trip to the Vets in Spofforth Street, with me using my umbrella to keep him dry. The beak trimming by Louise [the Vet on duty] at ~5pm, was well done, and he complained not as much as I thought. Immediately he was put back in the cage, he half unfurled his wings and shivered for about twenty seconds, but then seemed alright. Likewise whilst waiting for the bus, and getting home. But then he would not leave the travel cage, when I had it next to his cage, with both doors open. So I let him be. Around 7pm, I decided to try to shoo him in, but he would not move. So I then decided I had to handle him, but he try to escape within the travel cage. At one point his wing went through the bars and he gave a slight yelp, so I held back until he had it back inside. Shortly after, he had had enough and tried to take my finger off. He bit with all his might and I felt the pressure, but with his beak trimmed and so not sharp, he could no no harm. Butwith Wolfgang clinging to my finger with his beak, it was easy to manouvre him into his & Amadeus's cage. He quickly made his way to his swing, and sat there rather listlessly.
Monday 18th August 2003
Finally at ~7.25pm, I cleaned the "travel" bird cage with detergent and hot water, then thoroughly rinsed it under the shower. For the bottom of the cage, I have decided to use river sand, which I use for potting. Currently [9.05pm] I am heating it in the oven, to both dry it and to sterilise it.
I think that Amadus was bored at times during the day. A mass of seed had been removed form the large cylindrical feeder and deposited on the floor of the cage! This would have taken many mouthfulls, but she is methodical and determined.
Sunday 17th August 2003
After unsuccessfully searching in Crows Nest, I crossed the Harbour, and at Paddy's Market, at around 3pm, I bought the "travel" bird cage for $18.00. It is almost new condition, although it has been used. So I need to clean it well before I take Wolfgang to have his beak trimmed this coming tuesday. I know he will hate this, but it needs be done. He will, for sure, regard this as a punishment and will be very aggrieved.
Tuesday 12th August 2003
Ludwig Van Budgie-Bird gave regular little shrieks of delight when my new CD was playing this afternoon. This is Steven Isserlis' "Cello World", which I bought at sunday's concert, which featured Isserlis as soloist with the Australian Chamber Orchestra.
Sunday 10th August 2003
Twice this evening Ludwig managed to displace one of the arms of his swing form the cage bar. Each time i repleced it, but he seemed relcutant to use it. Although after the second time, when I showed him it was alright, by pushing it gently from above, he raised his head feathers in thanks.
Thursday 31st July 2003
Ludwig just told me he is tired, but happy. The first with two little discrete yawns. The second with feathers on his head erect. Mozart's 21st Piano Concerto is playing on 2MBS-FM.
Wednesday 30th July 2003
I have noticed that Ludwig is becoming less hunched and more graceful on his swing. The old bird is still learning, and without complaint. He is an inspiration to me.
Thursday 24th July 2003
Wolfgang has a finely honed sense of balance. This afternoon, while still perched on a swing, he leant down and nibbled on a lettuce leaf, which was only just within reach.
Tuesday 22nd July 2003
Ludwig on his swing at night! Not the most carefree, nor the most elegant Budgie swinger! But none other can match his personal sense of achievement. He is is the Eddie-the-Eagle of Budgie swingers.
Monday 21st July 2003
After his initial obsession, Ludwig stopped using his swing the next day, except he continued to sleep on it. However, last night he did not. But tonight he is back on it for a sleeping perch; and with a raising of his head feathers, showing a degree of smug satisfaction.
Saturday 19th July 2003
At 6.16am, I played a CD, "Albinoni-Pachelbel-Bach", which begins with Pachelbel's "Canon & Fugue in D Major" recorded by the Jean-Francois Paillard Chamber Orchestra in 1968. Ludwig van Budgie-Bird was asleep on his swing, beak on back. But the dulcet tones of this work soon had that left eye open, although initially his beak remained firmly clamped on his back!
Thursday 17th July 2003
At the age of at least six years, which is very senior for his kind, Ludwig Van Budgie-Bird has just used his swing for the first time, at 5.45pm this afternoon. It has been available for some months, and he has seen the younger Budgies using their swings for well over a year. But still it took courage. Firstly he leapt on, swung very vigorously several times, and fell off. After that he took things more cautiously, but has kept on it now, almost continuously for several hours. Indeed, he is most reluctant to leave it.
Because I was late home, as a treat I had their cages between the speakers, while a CD of Handel arias, performed by Yvonne Kenny & The Australian Brandenburg Orchestra played. This is a favourite of Ludwig's. Also, his cage was the other way round, facing it along the opposite long side, which brought the swing close to the other cage. So a whole set of conditions triggered Ludwig to make the attempt, and then to persist. He currently has the Budgie body language of one who is very proud of himself.
Tuesday 15th July 2003
Ludwig pretended to be asleep when I looked in on them in the early morning. His beak was on his back, clutching feathers, a position which Budgies, strange as it may seem, find a comfortable sleeping position! But this was feigned sleep, as even in the dim light, I could see that his left eye was fully open.
Friday 4th July 2003
Just after 4pm. Earlier Amadeus had rubbed her head against the cage wires next to Ludwig, who responded by tongue kissing the feathers on her head, which she enjoyed greatly. Now Wolfgang took the opportunity of my presence, to rub his head similarly. Ludwig ignored him. If I had not been there, I suspect that Ludwig would have snapped. This shows that Wolfgang is an astute little bird; albeit one who takes unnecessary risks.
Just before 5pm, same day. I had the fan heater on the Budgies for half an hour, and decided to turn it off. They should not be left on for long periods. But as I switched it off and began to move it, the looks I received from them persuaded me to turn it back on. However, a few minutes later, I discretely turned it off at the wall, without coming near at all. I hoped they would assume, that it had just gone off of its own accord, the way that radios do.
Thursday 3rd July 2003
~9pm. When I went to clean Ludwig's cage, I found that his ball had moved right into the south-east corner of the cage. I know that he plays, or at least, attacks the ball; but I have never seen him actually doing this. It could, however, move no other way!
Monday 30th June 2003
~9pm. When I switched the light off, after giving the usual warning - saying "light" three times, firmly, clearly, but without emotion - Ludwig complained. Nowadays this is unusual. I think it may have been because the television was on, instead of the radio or a CD. That is, there was no music.
Saturday 12th April 2003
~6am. Three Budgies are happily chirping to each other. This seems to be normal for early morning. The disputes tend to occur later in the day.
~9.40am. I came across to Ludwig van Budgie-Bird as Shu-Cheen Yu was singing Puccini's "Signore, ascolta" from "Tuarandot" [This is from the CD "August Moon"]. His head feathers were straight up and stayed there. Ludwig clearly likes 19th Century Italian Opera better than I do.
~Noon. The "Sydney Symphony Orchestra - First Sixty Years" CD. It begins with Ravel's "Daphnis and Chloe" [recorded 12th May 1973, Willem van Otter conducting]. As always, Ludwig listens to this piece with intense concentration. Turning his whole body to favour, his left ear [the ear of concentration and the unfamiliar] rather than just his head, as he usually does. Yet, his feathers stay down. Exactly how one should interpret such behaviour is somewhat a mystery to me; yet, although the enjoyment seems different somehow, to the Shu-Cheen Yu aria, it is for sure some sort of appreciation.
Thursday 10th April 2003
This afternoon, as a treat, I put the Budgie cages between the speakers, and put on a CD of Mozart's "The Magic Flute", with Cyndia Sieden as Queen Of The Night. Ludwig was happy! But when the CD was ended and I move them back to "home base", he made some small sad noises.
Ths evening, about 8.30pm, I bought on "Love's Sweet Passion" - Sarah Macliver & The Australian Brandenburg Orchestra. Ludwig showed his appreciation by raising his head feathers.
Wolfgang & Amadeus seem unparticular, and sounds will do and the louder the better.
Monday 7th April 2003
10.50pm, Last Night: I had just got into bed, when I heard mad flying in a birdcage. I rushed out to see Wolfgang clinging to the side of the cage. I was trying to oax him back to his swing or a perch, when Ludwig took off and landed uncomfortably on the floor. The night-light was on, but Ludwig just stoof there. I went around to him and talked soothingly, but he did not move. Then he tried to take off in a panic, crashing into walls and feeders, albeit hardly getting to the air at all. I switched the main light on, and was able to coax him to jump up to the low perch. Then I switched the hall light, and the main light off. Making sure that Ludwig seemed alright, I went to Wolfgang and coaed him down to the perch. During all this, Amadeus just perched on her swing.
I decided it was best to leave the hall light on all night. The next mroning when I checked them, Ludwig raised his head feathers when I came close to him. I took this to be a thank you for leaving the light on.
Sunday 6th April 2003
10.00am: All three Budgies had gone quiet. I turned around to see each asleep with beck on back.
4.30pm: All three Budgies had gone quiet. I turned around to see each quietly and intently feeding, each at their own chosen feeder.
Saturday 5th April 2003
~4.00pm. I had just asked Wolfgang to shh!, because his "kak-kak-kak..." was too loud & too prolongued. Then, when in the kitchen, I heard the same, but forté-forté: "KAK-KAK-KAK ...". I suspected this was not the same bird! I carefully stepped out of the kitchen into the hall, and looked directly at the birdcages, while the cacophony continued. Wolfgang's tail was still, but Amadeus' tail was in earnest side-to-side motion. [When a Budgie warbles loudly, the tail moves!] "Amadeus" I called firmly, but not shouted. She ignored me. As I walked towards the cage I called "Amadeus" once more. She stopped. I may be imagining it, but my impression is that she was trying to get Wolfgang in "trouble".
Thursday 3rd April 2003
Ludwig seemed to show intense interest in the BBC's "Life Of Mammals: Insect Hunters". I watched this tonight, having videotaped it last night. His left ear & eye were transfixed upon the television screen. At one point, I went down & put my head beside the screen, and thus looked at him, straight into his left eye!
Wednesday 2nd April 2003
It seems to have been a glancing blow on Wolfgang's forehead, leaving but a speck of blood, which I only just noticed. But the cut was surely from a vicious peck by Amadeus the Valkyrie. It really must stop. Sooner or later such a cut may well become infected.
Tuesday 1st April 2003
Late this afternoon I heard a small bang from behind me, as I worked on my correspondence chess games. Immediately I turned around, and saw that swing nearest to me was now on the floor of the cage. Only one Budgie was close by where it had fallen from, and that Budgie was Amadeus.
Monday 30th March 2003
After work, I bought two seven watt light bulbs. I replaced the blown bulb and tested it by covering the "eye" of the night light. This caught Ludwig's interest. Later, as night fell and their night light flickered on & off, before finally settling on, Ludwig watched it with intense concentration, no doubt to make sure it stayed on!
Sunday 29th March 2003
I came home from shopping, during which time night had fallen, to see three unusually dark Budgies. There was little light, except that coming in from the street, and whilst I could not really see their expressions, I am sure that Ludwig's was dark indeed. ... The seven watt bulb in their night light had blown, and I had no replacement. ... Rather than switch the main light on, and have perhaps panic from Ludwig when I later switched it off, I left that light quite off. [Such panic has happened before - see, at some distance below, the note for 1st February 2002]
Saturday 29th March 2003
At the Sydney Opera House, I witnessed the Sydney Symphony Orchestra's performance of Wagner's "Siegfried Idyll" and "The Valkyrie: Act III". When the Valkyries, just afore me in my front row seat, were singing up the storm of war, it soon struck me that "Valkyrie" is very apt as a description for Amadeus.
Thursday 27th March 2003
At just after 3pm, I switched the television on, to check up on the war. I discovered that not one of the five free to air stations was showing it. This, despite the day being a critical one, with the Iraqi Government preparing counter-attacks near Baghdad & Basra. So instead, I played the Australian Brandenburg Orchestra "Collection" CD. Ludwig was very happy with this decision, raising his head feathers enthusiastically!
Tuesday 18th March 2003
The Budgies had heard Beethoven's 3rd & 4th Symphonies. When this CD ended, Ludwig Van Budgie-Bird gave some encouraging little chirps, to encourage me to play some more music. So now at 3.45pm, the 2nd Movement of Beethoven's 5th Symphony was playing; but despite concentrating on my correspondence chess, I noticed the warbling had ceased. I looked over my left shoulder and saw all three Budgies asleep, each with beak on back! This is a "quiet" Movement, but there was still the occasional loudness breaking clear. Not long after this, they were awake & warbling once more. I suppose it is perfect Budgie sleeping weather: warm afternoon in the shade; non-subtle background noise.
[nb. CDs - Tasmanian Symphony Orchestra.]
4.20pm. I came in from the kitchen to see Amadeus & Wolfgang trading air-pecks, with mean attitude. I told them firmly to stop.
Monday 17th March 2003
This afternoon I noticed a small but clear trace of blood on Wolfgang's forehead. I looked as closely as I could, which made him suspicious of me. This cut has the appearance of an Amadeus beak attack.
Monday 10th February 2003
At work, Trevor told me why Amadeus is able to hover. In their native desert habitat, wild Budgies usually hover to drink, when they come across any water. This is done for several reasons: to avoid predators; because water in the desert is often surrounded by clay-mud, which can easily trap animals; and also because of the crush of other Budgies in the flock, trying to drink. Even so, as Budgie flocks may number in the thousands, a hovering-to-drink Budgie may still be crushed into the water & drown!
My three do not appreciate how easy they have it. But this is part of the reason why pet Budgies which get free, are in so much danger: they must eat seed each day, but the seed has always just been there, such that they do not know how to find it when it is still on the plants.
Tuesday 28th January 2003
Wolfgang's new long tail feather, which has only just reached full length, now has a kink at the tip, which moves its apex sharply to his left. I wonder how that happened?
Saturday 25th January 2003
Ludwig did take one bite of lettuce leaf from my hand, but then scuttled away, so I did not persist, rather just putting the leaf in place.
Tuesday 14th January 2003
Just to prove different, Ludwig fled the lettuce leaf. However, as I persisted in offering it to him, he made a brief nibble, just to see it off. But when I firmly planted it in the cage wire, he attacked it with his usual appetite.
Sunday 12th January 2003
Ludwig again nibbled some lettuce leaf out of my hand, before leaving the perch. After which I put it as usual, slotted into the cage wire.
Friday 10th January 2003
To my surprise, when I offered Ludwig a lettuce leaf out of my hand, instead of leaping off the perch, he nibbled it awhile, only then leaping off the perch. Then, I slotted it as I usually do, into the cage wire.
Tuesday 31st December 2002
The Budgies had plenty of music today; some of it with their cages between the speakers, as they find stereo very exciting! And they had the lights on late. But when I switched the sitting room light off at ~11.30pm, there was a very loud & heart felt complaint form Ludwig. He is a very likeable elderly bird; yet he has such foibles, that others would perhaps not tolerate as I do.
Sunday 29th December 2002
Again, a mere chance co-incidence. Tonight I was playing the Pink Floyd video: "The Delicate Sound Of Thunder". During the song, "Learning To Fly", the line "... ice on my wings ..." was immediately followed by an "EEK" by one Budgie. ... Not that they would know, being Sydney born & fledged!
Saturday 28th December 2002
It is pure co-incidence, but on the ABC TV Weather tonight, when it was said that New Year's Day was expected to be fine, there was a happy little Budgie chirp from someone behind me.
Thursday 19th December 2002
I noticed today, that Wolfgang is missing his long tail feathers. I know not when this happened; albeit I can narrow how & why down to a very limited short list!
Wedneday 18th December 2002
Again, the water container in Wolfgang's & Amadeus's cage was noticeably moved on to an oblique angle. And once more, I corrected it.
Wedneday 18th December 2002
The water container in Wolfgang's & Amadeus's cage was noticeably moved on to an oblique angle today. Its weight, including the water, is rather a trial for a Budgie, or even two hyperactive young Budgies. I presume they were more than usually bored. I corrected the container to the appropriate perpendicular.
Sunday 15th December 2002
This evening, Wolfgang was up to one of his "party tricks" again: to wit, hanging upside down, in the dark, close to Amadeus, but just out of her "biting range". This followed a period in which he was sneaking up behind her, when she was on her swing, and biting her tail.
I hope I have managed to disuade him, at least for tonight, by means of firm but quietly spoken directions. The trouble has been, all evening, that when I turn away, he is once more up to some mischief.
Satursday 14th December 2002
John Howard the Pied Currawong came, sans her child, Ariel, at about 8am. I heard her not, until, while perched on the step of the side balony door, she ruffled her feathers, loudly. Albeit, I should have realised what Ludwig van Budgie Bird's eye focus past my person meant. I explained to John Howard, before giving her her cracker biscuit, that she should call if she wants my attention.
Thursday 12th December 2002
Tonight, just after 8pm, there was a prolongued, and unreasonable on both their parts, recurring dispute over the "preferred swing" by Amadeus & Wolfgang.
But, his bloody head of sunday last seems to have healed, without complications.
It is late - 10pm now - with Mozart's Piano Concerto No. 27 playing, which Ludwig always listens intently to. Yet, he still found the need to utter a cry of complaint, when I switched the light off!
Sunday 8th December 2002
This morning I saw that, which I had hoped I would not see again. Blood on Wolfgang's forehead. A threatened peck from Amadeus had clearly become more than just a threat. My concern is that the wound may become infected. Budgies are not easy creatures for vets to treat.
This afternoon, saw me using the new vacuum cleaner for the first time, to clean husk from the corners of the Budgies' cages. It has more suction and is louder! Ludwig's response was an unreasonable & undignified panic. At an early stage in this quite brief process, he unintentially dropped on to the vacuum cleaner suction head, then ran across my hand to "safety". I was careful to point the head away from him.
Wolfgang & Amadeus were even less restrained. But not a feather was lost. They are such little drama queens. They experience this at least once a week & should be used to it by now.
Saturday 7th December 2002
There was some six hours of music during the day; all Classical, Baroque or Romantic; except for a CD of Bird Calls. Then, while I was at the Opera, the Budgies had some five hours of the same on radio 2MBS-FM, minus the Bird Calls. When I came home, without turning on the light, I switched off the radio. Ludwig immediately complained. For some, it is never too much!
Sunday 1st December 2002
Around 9.00am, I saw Amadeus attacking a seed-stick with vigour.
At 9.50am, I saw her attacking the other seed-stick with vigour.
Saturday 30th November 2002
It began at 8.06pm. It was over by
There were brief truces between the three acts.
[1] Wolfgang took the swing which Amadeus regards as her own. She was swiftly up the side of the cage, leaning forward to peck at him. He abandoned the swing. But she took it not, instead just climbing down.
[2] Wolfgang soon took the swing again. Amadeus repeated her previous manouvre. But this time, he turned around & pecked determinedly at her. She changed tack and climbed up on to the roof; then clamboured upside down across the roof, until she was close to Wolfgang; whereupon she pecked quite vehemently in his direction. He attempted some fightback, but soon abandoned the swing once more. She briefly took possession & perched there. Then she too climbed down.
[3] For the third time, he took "her" swing. She immediately moved in to action & this time he just flew down, without even waiting for her arrival. And finally, Amadeus perched on the swing & stayed put.
Epilogue: Admitting defeat, Wolfgang,
at length, took possession of the other swing.
Earlier, I had heard a curiously aggressive staccato verbalisation from Ludwig, which went on for some time. Slowly it dawned on me, that he was actually copying my laughter!
Friday 29th November 2002
I saw Ludwig nibbling on his seed-stick, which I had earlier placed on the floor. He is very much a Ground Budgie after all. The two hanging seed-sticks in the other cage, also show the effects of some eating.
Tuesday 26th November 2002
Ludwig went into a minor panic, when I hung a seed-stick in his cage. To the best of my knowledge it was the first he had seen. Then when I hung two seed-sticks in the cage of Wolfgang & Amadeus, it was more of a full on panic by that pair of emotional feathereds.
Currently they are studiously, in this hot & humid middle evening semi-darkness, avoiding the offending new objects. However, once they discover what these objects are ...
Truly, for Budgies, the line that scores between boredom & panic is an exceedingly fine one!
Sunday 17th November 2002
Ludwig has spent much of the afternoon, on the floor in his favourite corner. This is the north-west corner, which is the one closest to the sun. He loves the warmth. But if I opened the blinds to let in the sun, he would move away promptly. He likes the warmth of the sun, but not the direct sunlight!
Saturday 16th November 2002
I was home at 10.43pm, after Beethoven's Missa Solemnis, performed by the Sydney Symphony Orchestra at the Opera House. I found that one arm of Amadeus's swing was off the bar of the roof, although she still had perched there for the night, rather precariously! I tried to put the free arm back, from above the cage. Normally this is easy. However, Amadeus' weight made this manouvre impossible for me. At length she took fright & flew off to the side of the cage, which enabled me to get the swing in correct, two-armed position. Ten minutes later, she was back on the now secure swing.
Saturday 9th November 2002
Around 7.15pm, past sunset, sky darkening, albeit electrically bright inside; and Amadeus & Wolfgang were engaged in serious warfare. It started when Amadeus expelled Wolfgang from what she considers her swing. She climbed up the wall nearest the swing. When she was very close, she air-pecked visciously at him, whilst uttering mean & loud KAK-KAK-KAK noises. He pecked back with equal determination, but her greater size & vigour won the day. Immediately following defeat, however, Wolfgang climbed up the wall perpendicular to the nearest wall, from which he could lean across and bite her tail feathers. This so annoyed her that she flew down from the swing. Upon which, he retook the swing. Then she came back to reclaim it with no less animosity than before. This whole cycle recurred several times before I could persuade them to desist. It was a bit like international politics!
The only mystery for me, was why she did not simply turn around on the swing. But whatever the reasons, this was a mean & serious conflict.
Thursday 17th Octber 2002
Amadeus knocked her favourite swing askew, at about dusk. So she flew to the other end of the cage & began to expel Wolfgang from his swing. I told her to stop, which had to be repeated several times before she desisted. Then I restored her swing, although she just looked at it suspiciously, from a perch lower down.
Now Wolfgang, for whatever reasons, took possession of her swing. She soon climbed up to it, emitting vociferous KAK-KAK-KAK noises. The cacophony caused me to turn around. They both stopped & looked at me. After a brief observation of the circumstances, I turned back to my correspondence chess games. Upon which I heard the expulsion continue. I glanced later & noticed, as I expected, that it was successful on the part of the mean green Budgie.
From my point of view, Amadeus was at fault in argument one, while Wolfgang was at fault in argument two. I can in no way guarantee that this "moral authority" was their perception of my role.
Sunday 22nd September 2002
It is something I had long suspected, although up till now I was not certain. The afternoon sun was shining across half of Ludwig's cage. Although it was only pleasantly warm, he carefully avoided the sun, staying in the shade. But when I closed the vertical blinds, he almost immediately took to walking around the entire cage floor. [He is very much a walking Budgie!].
This is unusual as small Parrots, especially elderly ones like Ludwig, have a reputation for liking the sun.
nb. I never have the sun on them unless I am there. Pet Budgies, unlike their desert ancestors, do not have a high heat tolerance.
Sunday 15th September 2002
I played the Budgies a new CD I bought for them this morning, at the Australian Museum - "Australian Bird Calls; Tropical North-East" - recorded by David Stewart. I put all three between the speakers and they mostly listened with rapt attention - heads cocked, and strangely silent!
Then later this afternoon, I noticed that Wolfgang had a cut on his head. I could see fresh-coloured blood, although it was thankfully just at the cut and not flowing. I had not seen the incident, but the physical cause of this cut was almost certainly the beak of Amadeus. The psychological cause was no doubt a mix of his impertinence and her reticence; this combination being apt to flare up with little warning at any time!
Wednesday 11th September 2002
There had been no specific music today, but rather only music as background for video & television. So when, rather late this evening, I put on Mozart's Clarinet Concerto [Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra - conducted by Karl Böhm] it made Ludwig Van Budgie-Bird very happy. Well, the feathers on his head went up.
Saturday 7th September 2002
This morning I played all nine of Ludwig Van Beethoven's completed Symphonies, as performed by the Tasmanian Symphony Orchestra. I bought the CD set at their concert, in Sydney last night. The Budgies did not complain, and indeed, often warbled along with the music.
Friday 23rd August 2002
The cuts on Wolfgang's forehead seem to have healed, or at least, they are no longer obviously visible.
Wednesday 21st August 2002
There are now two cuts on Wolfgang's forehead. I think I now how it happens.
I saw him get up on the cage wall with his head facing downwards, and his torso halfway behind Amadeus. Then he slid slowly down towards her. This annoyed her & she turned & pecked towards him. If he had have been closer, such a peck may well have got him on the forehead. Sometimes Wolfgang is exceptionally stupid!
Sunday 18th August 2002
There is a cut on Wolfgang's forehead.
Wednesday 14th August 2002
Something that I should have thought of long before, I just realised & put in to action. I raised the Melalueca branchlet to be the highest perch at the far end of the cage, furthest from Luwig's cage. Within ten minutes, Wolfgang was on it. Amadeus has tried it too, but likes it not so much as he does. This may be because it is more difficult to crab-run along & push him off!
Monday 12th August 2002
I have noticed for some weeks now, that Ludwig Van Budgie-Bird takes an intense interest in me putting on, or taking off, my shoes & socks.
Saturday 10th August 2002
I cleaned my western windows this morning, which sent the "kids" - Wolfgang & Amadeus - into a minor panic, with some melodramatic end to end flying. Ludwig, the wise old bird,was quite unbothered. However, this all does suggest that I do not clean my windows often enough.
Wednesday 7th August 2002
An early switching off of the sitting room light was likely to cause complaint. So I forestalled this by putting the "Budgie Radio" on "sleep" [59 minutes], before I did so. Then the light went off to silence. By the night light, I could see a content Ludwig.
Amadeus & Wolfgang are more tolerant to being "put to bed".
nb. For some months now I have set a clock radio [the "Budgie-Radio"] on alarm for 9am. It runs for ~2 hours. This radio is permanently set on 2MBS-FM.
Tuesday 6th August 2002
I played a new CD I bought on sunday: a series of songs over various centuries, with Jane Edwards [soprano] accompanied by Marshal McGuire [harp]. Ludwig signalled his approval, when I approached to "ask" his opinion, by raising the feathers on his head very clearly.
Amadeus has taken to copying Ludwig's habit of leaning against the side of the cage at times, when resting on the perch.
Monday 5th August 2002
It was actually 11.57pm, when I put the sitting room light out, and yet, despite the night light being on, Ludwig complained a little. So I went and so a few words of understanding.
Sunday 4th August 2002
In the afternoon I was running late for a concert. The iron began leaking some water on to the trousers being ironed. In frustration, I banged the iron on its board three times; an unusual behaviour for me. The three Budgies up till then had been warbling enthusiastically to jazz on 2MBS-FM. At the three bangs, the three Budgies went instantly & completely silent. I tried to tell them I was not annoyed at them, but with myself. Yet still the silence remained. Ludwig, when I approached him, did seem relaxed with me; but Wolfgang & Amadeus continued to eye me suspiciously for some time.
Saturday 3rd August 2002
Early today, I was out walking & found a Paperbark branchlet, lying on the ground, which seemed to be a good basis for a Budgie perch. So, I took it home, trimmed it & positioned it in the cage of the terrible twins. During this placement, Amadeus & Wolfgang went it the usual frantic flap. Then, when my offending hand had left their cage, they remained firmly planted at the other end of the cage, as far as reasonably possible from the offending new object. Some hours later, they took the courage to travel occasionally to the "dangerous" end of the cage, but still resolutely refused to have anything to do with the new perch!
Saturday 27th July 2002
They now have a night light. It is 7 watts, switches itself on when it is dark, and only cost about $7.00.
Ludwig was suspicious at first. But then he took to watching it until he fell asleep, or so it seems. The night is fearful time for wild Budgies & so it seems to be deeply imbedded within their genes.
Friday 26th July 2002
It was late. I switched off the light in the sitting room. Shortly later, I heard frantic flying. This proved to be Amadeus & Wolfgang. Ludwig was sitting on the floor of his cage; perhaps a little stunned. The ball which hangs from the cage roof was still swinging slightly. It seems to me, that he took to the wing in the dark & crashed. Twice I attempted to calm them, & then switched off the light. Both times, Ludwig began flying in a panic, which set the other two off. Finally, I decided to leave the light on. Shortly after I left the room, I heard some happy chirps from Ludwig. But I was not impressed.
Monday 22nd & Tuesday 23rd July 2002
Both nights, when I switched off the light in their room, which is also my sitting room, I was met, not only with the usual complaint from Ludwig, the self-appointed Spokes-Budgie, but also with a backing chorus of the other two. They have definitely taken this light as a right. Luwig, I suspect, also enjoys his power in bringing me back to talk to him & reassure him against the night. Darkness is a dangerous time for wild Budgies, so this fear of the black is struck deep within their natures.
Earlier on tuesday, Wolfgang was up to an old annoyance, pecking at the edge of a feeder while Amadeus was eating. It is true, that he is perhaps temporarily safer at such a point in time. Yet, it seems unwise, as she has a decent memory & a keen sense of revenge!
Sunday 21st July 2002
Wolfgang Razorbeak is a bit of a Surf-Budgie. That is, if his reaction to The Atlantics, & in particular to their "classic hit" Bombora, is considered. Oddly enough, The Atlantics are Australian & have continued with the same lineup for 39 years. Yet I have only known them some 3 years.
Wednesday 17th July 2002
It happened late this night, that within a minute or so of me switching off the lights and getting into bed, there was the sound of a mad panic of frantic flying. I rushed out to switch on the light and calm them. Amadeus & Wolfgang were clinging to the side of their cage, both breathing heavily from fear & exertion. Ludwig was quietly perched & breathing normally.
Why the "kids" should be freaked, while Ludwig is unfussed, mystifies me.
Monday 8th July 2002
In no way would I have seen my return as especially late; but Ludwig clearly thought so, as my opening of the front door brought a happy shriek, which was even louder than I am used to on such occasions!
Thursday 4th July 2002
The fan heater was on the Budgies again. Their body language & chirpiness suggested approval.
Tuesday 2nd July 2002
The sun was still up, but Ludwig was fluffed up & I thought he may be feeling the cold. Wolfgang & Amadeus were unperturbed, but they are bright young things. So I put the fan heater on them, on a low heat for some twenty minutes. They all liked that.
Saturday 29th June 2002
Mid-afternoon - A CD has just ended. Already, I have received several Budgeric chirps to remind me of this fact. I shall attend to it now!
Monday 24th June 2002
It was a longer day than usual at work, and afterwards, I had to go to Stanton Library. When I did get home, as soon as he heard the door open, Ludwig gave an excited shriek of pleasure. And yes, he did get "his music".
Thursday 20th June 2002
When I switched the light off, there was a small complaint from Ludwig Van Budgie-Bird. So I went over to him in the dark, and quietly explained why I must do this. No more complaints were heard, and while it is sure he understood not my actual words, he did understand something which eased his discontent.
Monday 10th June 2002
At about 7.30pm, I switched off the radio, with the Budgies having had music for most of the day [which is a public holiday here]. Ludwig van Budgie-Bird responded with a clear complaint of "oo-a" - unmistakably a avian diphthong of disappointment. This was repeated sporadically, about 10 times over some 5 or so minutes. Heartlessly, I refused to back down.
Saturday 5th June 2002
Radio National, Science Show [12pm - 1pm] - on avian behaviour & intelligence. I learnt during this show that Parrots look with their right eye when it is something usual or if they are being friendly; but with their left eye if there is something unusual or if they are being aggressive. Now I know why, when Ludwig is listening closely to music with his left ear [which is his preferred ear for intense listening] and I approach the cage closely, he turns around on his perch and looks at me with his right eye.
Fortuituously, I have their cages set up, such that I will normally approach them with my right eye. Also, I now know why, when the late Andy Shreikbeak was annoyed with me, it was the left eye; but when he was playful, it was the right eye.
Wednesday 5th June 2002
Again I was careful in noting Ludwig's mood, but he seemed fully cheerful.
The last three days, Wolfgang & Amadeus have been their usual noisy & argumentative selves. Wolfgang often starts the arguments, but Amadeus wins them. She was at the small ground feeder - they have four in all; the other three are on the sides of the cage - and after each swift head down to collect a seed, her head snapped up and she eyed Wolfgang critically. He was "casually" wandering along the floor, looking for fallen seed, just quite "accidentally" getting close to the feeder. Each time he came almost within beak range of the feeder, Amadeus gave an air peck in his direction, and he wandered just a little away, but not very far. There are, as I said, three other feeders, all with plenty of seed. These two certainly remind me of young children.
Tuesday 4th June 2002
Today, I actually lay down beside the Ludwig's cage for my after work enforced rest [I have chronic low blood pressure]. "Mozart Arias" by Yvonne Kenny & the Australian Chamber Orchestra was playing. After about ten minutes, Ludwig moved along the perch quite close to me & while looking at me, binocular-wise, warbled enthusiastically. This I took as friendly.
Monday 3rd June 2002
I came home fairly late - it was a long day - and when I opened the door, Ludwig heard the lock open and gave an excited little shriek. So I played a favourite CD of his - "Handel Arias" by Yvonne Kenny & the Australian Brandenburg Orchestra. After that, as the night sky darkened, I played the Piano CD by Tamara Anna Cislowska, which I bought yesterday at the Schubertiad [at the Goethe Institute in Woollahra] where she had played. During track 3 [Levitski - The Enchanted Nymph] I heard whimpering, which continued for some minutes, rather quietly but persistently. Soon I was sure it was Ludwig, and that whatever it was, was emotionally serious for him. So I went over & sat by him; talking to him. He stopped whimpering. About 10 minutes later, I left him & shortly later, I saw him happily climbing about his large ground feeder. He loves feeding on the floor.
Exactly what the problem was, I know not. However, the way it came on without obvious cause, suggests that it was some memory that made him melancholy. After all, he is old for a Budgie [~ 5 years] and he witnessed the death not only of Andy, but also of Ludwig's Father, with whom he shared a cage. This was when he was living with Helen.
7.14am Saturday 18th May 2002
Amadeus starting hovering, & then flew hard, cage end to cage end. Wolfgang dropped to the floor, to get out of the way. However, he took a momentary interest in some seeds there, before flying up again. Was he faining an interest to pretend that he was not forced down?
12.12pm Friday 5th April 2002
When I had just finished a shower, prior to going to a luncheon engagement, I heard the enthusiastic tones of a lone Budgie adding voice to a Mozart chamber work. When I walked in to the Budgie Room, it proved to be Wolfgang. Close by him, Amadeus & Ludwig were both asleep, with their beaks on their backs.
10.14pm Wednesday 3rd April 2002
I was in bed, not quite asleep, when I heard furious flapping. For a few seconds I let it go. It stopped. Then it started again almost immediately. From the strength of the flapping, I suspected it must be Amadeus. So I went in to the Budgie Dormitory [aka. Sitting Room], switched on the light, and talked soothingly to each of the three, but paying especial attention to Amadeus. I was not disturbed by any more little dramas that night. Perhaps she had a nightmare, since as the blinds were closed, there should heve been no reflections.
7.22am Thursday 28th March 2002
Ludwig leaned back on his perch to give his wings a good strong flap; as strong that is, as an elderly chap can. Amadeus immediately followed likewise, but soon she took to the air with rapid perch to perch cagelength flights and some intense hovering. Wolfgang rather anxiously kept out of Amadeus' flightpath. ... A few minutes later, Amadeus began preening. Almost immediately, Ludwig began preening. Wolfgang ate; then produced a sharp perch to perch cagelength flight. ... Not every Budgie is a follower!
circa 7pm Sunday 24th March 2002
Amadeus and Wolfgang are finally roosting tonight in the new, large, top hole in the climbing frame. This is after some days of suspiciously eyeing and occasionally bite-testing it, amidst dark mutterings! ... They were actually pretending to roost at times prior to this, by hanging from the sides of the cage near the roof. I can not believe that even these two, inventive as they might be, could possibly have been asleep in such a pose.
`circa 6pm Friday 22nd March 2002
Amadeus had, for much of the week, been often favouring her right leg, holding it in the air when perching. I thought the cause may be their climbing frame. They insist on roosting in the top holes, despite the restricted size of the squares in the plastic lattice. Amadeus has grown so quickly [she is now nearly twice the size of Wolfgang!] that she can no longer fit easily in a square. She looks most uncomfortable, but pride makes her persist. So I cut out the dividers in the top nine squares [3 x 3], making a space perfectly big enough for both of them. The sight of the snipping caused much panic in the terrible twosome, but they soon settled down once my hand had left the cage.
9.48pm Sunday 10th February 2002
As I was in bed, but still awake, I decided to briefly adopt to the sitting room, where I turned on the television to find out the ending of "Murder Rooms". The sound was low, but suddenly I heard frantic flying in the dark. Wolfgang had been spooked. So I quickly turned on the light & went to calm him down, but he was still flustered & sat there looking rather stunned; either bruised or just exhausted. [The next day he seemed fine].
The trouble with Wolfgang & Amadeus is that if I try to cover the cage, they start flying frantically.
3.15pm Saturday 9th February 2002
The music had been stopped for some while, but Wolfgang still warbled away very noisily, while Amadeus & Ludwig had their beaks on their backs & were trying to catch some sleep.
8.15am Saturday 9th February 2002
I had only just given the Budgies their lettuce, when I turned around to see Amadeus & Wolfgang working in tandem, to drag their lettuce leaf into their water dish. Ludwig, "inspired", had begun to do the same. At this point, a local Pied Currawong [whom I have named "John Howard"] alighted on the front balcony rail and all lettuce dragging stopped, as they cautiously watched him. Natural instinct makes them wary of large black birds.
10.07pm Thursday 1st February 2002
While I was lying down, reading a book on Ancient Mesopotamia, I was suddenly [at the above time] alerted by the sound of Wolfgang and Amadeus flying frantically around their cage in the dark. So I rushed into the Budgie-Room, switched on the light and tried to calm them down. What it was, I know not; but I closed the front blinds and talked to them quietly & reassuringly. All this while, Ludwig was making concerned noises. Several times I thought that Wolfgang & Amadeus were calm, but my leaving was soon followed by a flustered flapping. However, after ~20 minutes they seemed to settle. Almost anything can start them off & then they are slow to recover their composure. And whatever the initial cause was, it affected not Ludwig, as he was only disconcerted as a consequence of their trepidation.
Night, of course, is the dangerous time for Budgies in the Wilds of the Australian Deserts. They have to sleep, but some of their predators are in their waking time.
3.13pm Wednesday 30th January 2002
As I opened the door when I came home today, I saw Ludwig van Budgie-Bird running back & forth along the perch. This is a sign of excitement, especially in a four year old. Clearly he looks forward to the music & the views [I have to keep the blinds mostly closed when I am out, & although he can see the outside world, it is somewhat restricted].
circa 10.25pm Friday 25th January 2002
When I closed the side balcony vertical blinds, prior to going for a walk, Ludwig made no sound. [There is a glass windowed door there, which he enjoys looking through.] There was the same silence on the same closing of blinds, on thursday & wednesday previous. However , on the monday & tuesday nights of this week, he gave a little cry of disappointment when I closed the blinds. [This was at ~8.15pm & ~10.00pm respectively.] It seems that he has now learnt that I close the side balcony blinds, but not the front balcony blinds. Thus, he can still observe the outside night & its parade of traffic. [also see Monday 14th January 2002.]
circa 4.30pm Friday 18th January 2002
I had slotted two pieces of lettuce through the vertical frame of the Baby Budgies cage. Amadeus has the habit of tearing the lettuce into little pieces, dropping rather than eating each piece as she goes. She continues thus, until the loosened leaf falls to the floor. I had noticed that, odd as it seems, the lettuce preferentially ends up in the water dish. Yet I gave all but no thought to this.
However, I definitely know that last night, one lettuce leaf fell on to the cage floor, ~30cm from the water dish. I saw it happen, following a full-on assault by Amadeus. But today, both lettuce leaves were in the water. So it is clear that at least one budgie [probably the aforementioned Amadeus] is dragging the lettuce leaves and heaving them up into the water dish. This must take a considerable effort. Why is she so doing? Well, God only knows!!
circa 6 pm Thursday 17th January 2002
Ludwig van Budgie-Bird, when I came close to chat to him, was letting me know how bored he was. There were half a dozen very wide yawns, one after the other. The main cause, I expect, was that I had the vertical blinds mostly closed to keep the sunlight out [nb. I cannot sit or stand in direct sunlight for very long, as after but a few minutes I collapse]. So he was deprived here of the sunlit views he had enjoyed for several hours. Also, I was indulging in my Masters' Apprentices CDs ["Choice Cuts" & "Nickleodeon" were completed, with "A Toast To Panama Red" in progress] whereas I suspect from my observations, that Ludwig prefers Classical & Baroque. Later I mollified him with some Mozart Symphonies, performed by the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra as conducted by the Karl Boehm: Numbers 22, 23, 24, 25 & 27.
Anyway, I was able to amuse him to some extent, by keeping the side balcony view as clear as possible, and also by scattering some seed on the cage floor. He loves to "unexpectedly" find seed on the floor.
circa 9pm Monday 14th January 2002
As I closed the vertical blinds to the front balcony, to avoid the Baby Budgies being spooked by their own shadows, Ludwig van Budgie-Bird gave a little whimper. I explained to him why [please note here, that while they do not understand words, they clearly understand voice tone - so ALWAYS talk to your Budgies!!]. However, he just looked at me through the evening grey tones and wimpered. So I gave in and opened the blinds. Even in the semi-dark, he moved to look out at the street. Ludwig loves observing traffic & this street is a busy one - a secondary through-road. In the night I suppose, which is an unloved time by Budgies, it gives him some colour: both through the street lights and the headlights of passing cars.
nb. Budgies are rather light sleepers & will often be awake during the night for considerable periods. If you wake, you may well hear them climbing the wires of their cage.
ps. Fortunately, Amadeus & Wolfgang have not, since this occasion, noticeably taken afright at their own reflections in the windows. But this did use to happen and I am concerned by their panic in the dark, as they start flying wildly and may not remember where everything is, as they do do in calmer moments.
If a Budgie saw a Budgie flying to a Fair, would a Budgie know a Budgie, other than He or She, were there ?? |
©TONY SIMS, 2002 anno domini - Text, Formatting & Ego.
©HELEN HARMER, 2002 anno domini - Budgie Photographs.
Thumnails created [2004 anno domini] by "Easy Thumbnails" ©Fookes Software
Archived December 27th, 2004.