19 October
It was on a cool but sunny morning that around 100 people, mostly my friends
and family, gathered at World Vision for my send off. Everything was going fine
until my friend George Gouron noticed that I had a dent on the rim of my front
wheel, I remember the incident, it happened on my way to work a couple of weeks
earlier, I hit something on the road, probably a brick, did not notice anything
at the time and forgot about it. Now, what to do? I could not just start my
trip on a damaged wheel, so after all the photos, the chatting, the speeches
and the good-byes I left quickly, with a tear in my eye, for a quick pit stop
at Southbank motorcycles. Scott, the mechanic, after checking it out said it
would probably be all right but
Killeen, the owner, did not hesitated for a second and had a new wheel put on
my bike at no charge, thank you David, once again you have shown, that for you,
safety come first.
I had planned to stop at home for a private good-bye to Sue and the children,
which I did but by then it was getting late, so I decided that I would leave
early the next morning instead, hence having the chance for a last
cuddle with Sue.
20 October
I left home at 7.30am, still cold but not many cars on the road, I arrived at
Kapunda (small town 80kms north of Adelaide) at 500pm, having covered 800kms.
My host Elizabeth and Trevor Briggs were expecting me. Elizabeth runs a very
successful health clinic there and belongs to the local Rotary club, knowing
all about Ride4Kids, she had organized for
me to speak about it to two schools and two Rotary clubs.
Monday 21 October
I prepared my talk with Elizabeth, she is an expert, and we created a power
point presentation. That evening, I was, for the first time in my life, a
guess speaker at a Rotary club, the Kapunda Rotary club in fact. You can imaging
how nervous I was getting, Elizabeth kept on telling me "don't worry,
you will be fine" but how could I be fine? Those people will never understand
my accent; even my friends don't understand it. But, as it turned up, the
all thing went very well, I talk about World Vision, the projects I was supporting,
others trips that I had done and, of course, about this one. I managed to
raise $100 which becomes $400 with the pledge of Ausaid.
The next morning, at 900am was my next challenge, this time I had to do the
same speech in front of the 400 students of Kapunda high. I had to ride in
the gym hall in the middle of their assembly. Again, I had to over come my
nerves and deliver my speech, raising another $100 in the process.

my manager (Elizabeth) had organized for me to speak for a community radio,
I have never been in a studio before, never mind, just relaxed and speak close
to the microphone say Jodie, the interviewer. Frasier Crane eat your heart out,
I thought, I am in the chair now. It went very well, an experience to remember
Next was another talk, to the Evanston primary school this time, as usual by
now, I rode the bike inside the gym hall to the kid's amazement.
Members of the Kapunda Rotary
Speaking to the children
of Evanston
I explain to them what I was doing and why, answered
all their questions and in the end I had raised another $85.00.
Now was time for my last engagement, the Gawler Rotary club. The reunion is
held at the Gawler hotel, as the guest speaker, I had to sit at the president
table, time to remember my table manners as Dinner was served.
again I used my power point for the presentation, everyone seems to be impressed,
lot's of questions are asked.
By the time we get home it's very late but I am happy, Elizabeth and Trevor
(who, already sponsor three children) have generously donated an extra $100
to Education in Africa, making a total of $1300 that I know of, not bad for
two days work. So, go on, click on the donations
forms and make a small contribution, remember its tax deductible. Help me
make Ride4Kids a worthwhile project.
My host Elizabeth and
Trevor Briggs
23 Oct. 02
After saying good-byes to my host and good friends, I am back on the road, but
this morning it's cold, windy and showery, nevertheless, I am singing in my
helmet, likely no one can hear me. I make good progress and reach the town of
Wudinna at 500pm, I have covered 580 kms today.
am staying at the Wudinna hotel, at $25 per night it's a bargain, and there
is a television but only one channel. After checking up the bike (tension of
the chain, oil level etc
) it's time to relax, tomorrow will be another
hard day on the saddle.
24 Oct.
I left the motel at 7.30am; once again it's very windy but eventually the sun
came out but the wind never eased. I reached Madura at 7.00pm, having covered
910 kms, I was getting a little worried as dust was setting in,
started to see kangaroos along the road, very dangerous when you are riding
a bike. Someone told me that there are more kangaroos this year, this is due
to the drought, they have nothing to eat in the north so they are coming south.
Many get killed at night by passing trucks.
Madura is just a road house in the middle of the Nullarbor, in the middle of
nowhere I should say; the next town is 720kms from here. So prices tend to go
up, the litre of petrol is $1.30, my very basic room is $60.00, same with the
food. Click here for more photos.
à tous.
La version française est juste un court résumer de la version
anglaise, veuillez m'en excuser, cela me prendrait trop de temps de tout traduire.
Samedi 19 Octobre
C'est par une belle matinée qu'une centaine de personnes sont venus me
dire aurevoir à World Vision, tout aller pour le mieux jusqu'à
ce que mon ami George Gouron remarqua que la gente de ma roue avant etait endommagée.
Catastrophe ! pas question de partir comme ça, donc une fois la cérémonie
terminée (photos, discourts et adieux) je suis parti direction Southbank
Motorcycles pour un arrêt aux stands. Aprés une inspection, le
mécanicien me dit que ce n'est pas trés grave, David Killeen,
le propriétaire, n'hesite pas et fait changer la roue, gratuitement.
Merci David.
Il ne me restait plus qu'à faire mes adieux à mes enfants et à
ma compagne Sue mais comme j'avais perdu déja beaucoup de temps, je décidais
de remettre mon départ au lendemain matin et de passer une dernière
soirée avec Sue.
Dimanche 20 octobre
J'ai pris la route à 7h30, il faisait frais et le temps etait couvert.
A 17h j'arrivais à Kapunda (une petite ville à 80 kms au nord
d'Adelaide) J'avais couvert 800kms. Elizabeth et Trévor Briggs m'attendaient,
aprés un bon repas et une bonne douche, un bon lit m'attendait.
Elizabeth m'avait organisée quelques visites pour le Lundi et Mardi.
Le Lundi soir je parlais de mon voyage et de World Vision devant le club Rotary
de Kapunda. Le lendemain matin, c'était devant les 400 éléves
du lycée, puis á une radio locale. Dans l'aprés midi,
c'était devant une école primaire et le soir le club Rotary
de Gawler. Total de donations $1200 dollars, tout ça pour le projet
Education en Afrique. J'étais trés content.
Mercredi 23 octobre
Aprés avoir fait mes adieux à mes amis, j'étais de nouveau
sur la route, toujours un peu frais, en plus, il fait beaucoup de vent et
un peu de pluie fait son apparition. Je m'arrête à Wudinna (580
kms aujourd'hui).
Le lendemain, le temps s'améliore et je rejoins Madura mais le vent
souffle toujours, la route est trés longue et ennuyeuse, dans la soirée,
je commence à voir des kangourous au bord de la route, trés
dangereux quand on roule en moto. Il n'y a rien le long de la route, juste
une pompe à essence avec un hotel tout les 200 kms, pas de maisons,
pas d'animaux domestiques et juste quelques voitures que l'on croise en faisant
un signe de la main. Tout est plus cher, essence, nourriture et accomodation
en particulier. Aujourd'hui, j'ai parcouru 915 kms, je fais en moyenne 100
k/h, m'arretant juste pour faire le plein et boire un café. (voir photo
ci-dessous et aussi dans la version anglaise)
In the bush
Paysage Australien
Which way to go?
Quelle direction prendre?
The Nullarbor
Les longues routes Australiennes
24/10/02. Australia. Mileage
so far.
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