Lenin: Building the Party

Volume 1 of 3

Tony Cliff

chapter 1: lenin becomes a marxist
chapter 2: from the marxist study circle to industrial action
chapter 3: toward building the party
chapter 4: what is to be done?
chapter 5: the 1903 congress: bolshevism is born
chapter 6: fighting the liberals
chapter 7: the 1905 revolution
chapter 8: "open the gates of the party"
chapter 9: lenin on armed insurrection
chapter 10: the argument for a revolutionary provisional government
chapter 11: the muzhik in rebellion
chapter 12: the great dress rehearsal
chapter 13: dark reaction victorious
chapter 14: strategy and tactics (lenin learns from clausewitz)
chapter 15: semi-unity with the mensheviks
chapter 16: lenin expels the ultra-lefts
chapter 17: the final split with menshevism
chapter 18: the rising revolutionary wave
chapter 19: pravda
chapter 20: the bolshevik party becomes a mass party

This online edition taken from the Haymarket edition (Chicago, 2002). Prepared for web by Marc Newman.