Yorrick Skullsmasher
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Personal Information
Name: Yorrick Skullsmasher Player: Kylie Rees
Race: Human Gender: Male Height: 5'11" Age: 20
Class: Ranger Level: 17 Weight: 167 lbs
XP: 2,963,714 Alignment: Neutral Good
Next Level: 3,000,000 Kit: Scout
Ability Scores
Str: 16 Stamina: 16 Weight Allowance: 70 lbs Bend Bars/Lift Gates: 10%
Muscle: 16 Attack Adj.: +0 Damage Adj.: +1 Max. Press: 195 lbs Open Doors: 9
Dex: 16 Aim: 15 Missile Adjustment: +0 Pick Pockets: +0% Open Locks: +0%
Balance: 17 Reaction Adjustment: +2 Armor Class: -3 Move Silently: +5% Climb Walls: +5%
Con: 14 Health: 14 System Shock: 88% Poison Save: +0
Fitness: 14 Hit Point Adjustment: +0 Resurrection Chance: 92%
Int: 13 Reason: 12 Max. Spell Level: 6th Max. Spells Per Level: 7 Illusion Immunity: None
Knowledge: 14 Bonus Proficiencies: 4 Chance to Learn New Spell: 60%
Wis: 14 Intuition: 15 Bonus Clerical Spells: 2, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 Clerical Spell Failure Chance: 0%
Willpower: 13 Magic Defense Adjustment: +0 Spell Immunity: None
Cha: 8 Leadership: 9 Loyalty Base: +0 Maximum Number of Henchmen: 4
Appearance: 7 Initial Reaction Adjustment: -1
Saving Throws
Paralyzation: 3 Poison: 3 Death Magic: 3 Petrification: 4 Polymorph: 4
Rod: 5 Staff: 5 Wand: 5 Breath Weapon: 4 Spell: 6
Hit Points: 71
Base THAC0: 4
Melee THAC0: 4
Missile THAC0: 4
Natural armor class 10
Full armor, splint mail -6
Shield, body adj. -2
Balance Defensive adj. -3
Weapon Proficiencies
Axe, battle
Crossbow, light
Sword, bastard
Sword, short
Non-Weapon Proficiencies
Animal Lore 11
Fire-Building 10
Herbalism 15
Hunting 14
Orienteering 14
Reading/Writing 12
Riding, Airborne 9
Rope Use 10
Running 13
Set Snares 11
Survival 12
Swimming 12
Tracking 21
Weaponsmithing 12
Weather Knowledge 10
Native Languages
Human - Regional dialect
THAC0 Attacks/ Speed Damage Range (-2) (-5) (-10)
Weapon Melee Missile Round Factor Sm-Med Large Type Size PB / S / M / L / EX
Quarterstaff 4 2 4 1d6+1 1d6+1 B L
Racial Abilities
Attack bonus - +1 bonus to attack rolls with one weapon of the character's choice.

Class Abilities
    Empathy with animals - May befriend animals.
    Followers - Attracts 2d6 followers at 10th level.
    Hide in shadows 99% - May hide in natural settings.
    Move silently 99% - May move silently through natural settings.
    Priest spells - May begin to cast Priest spells at 8th level.
    Special enemy - Familiar with one type of creature; granted a +4 to attack rolls and a -4 penalty to reaction rolls when encountering this creature.
    Tracking proficiency - Given the tracking proficiency, and will improve by 1 for every three levels.
    Two-weapon style - May fight with two weapons with no penalty if wearing studded leather armor or lighter.
    Major Spheres of Magic - Animal, Plant

Keen Eyesight - +1 bonus on to hit rolls for missile weapons when attacking at long range. The character acts as if they were one sight category closer with respect to information gained.
Keen Hearing - +1 bonus to surprise rolls when sound may be a factor. Hear Noise checks are granted a +10% bonus.

Powerful Enemy - Agents of the powerful enemy will always be after the character.

  • Items Carried
    • Backpack
      • Dry rations (1 week)
      • Flint and steel
      • Torch x3
      • Wineskin
  • Items Readied
    • Quarterstaff
  • Items Worn
    • Full armor, splint mail
    • Shield, body
  • Spending Money
    • * Copper Pieces x7
    • * Gold Pieces x6
    • * Silver Pieces x6
Movement and Encumbrance
Encumbrance: Unencumbered Light Moderate Heavy Severe
Weight (lbs): 0-70 71-100 101-130 131-160 161-195
Movement: 14 10 7 3 1
THAC0: -1 -2 -4
AC: +1 +3
Currently carrying 67.60 pounds (None Encumbrance, 14 Movement)

Class 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th
Ranger 3 3 3
Cleric Spell Failure Rate: 0% Maximum Wizard Spells Per Level: 7
Wizard Chance to Learn New Spell: 60% Maximum Wizard Spell Level: 6th
Spells Memorized

Ranger Spells Granted
Spell Time Range Area of Effect Components
1st Level
Animal Friendship 1 hr 10 yds 1 animal V, S, M
Calm Animals 4 60 yds Special V, S
Entangle 4 80 yds 40-ft cube V, S, M
Invisibility to Animals 4 Touch 1 creature/lvl S, M
Locate Animals or Plants 1 rd 100 yds + 20 yds/lvl 20 yds/lvl x 20 ft V, S, M
Log of Everburning 1 Touch Special V, S
Pass Without Trace 1 rd Touch 1 creature V, S, M
Shillelagh 2 Touch 1 oak club V, S, M
2nd Level
Badberry 1 rd Touch 2d4 fresh berries V, S, M
Barkskin 5 Touch 1 creature V, S, M
Charm Person or Mammal 5 80 yds 1 person or mammal V, S
Goodberry 1 rd Touch 2d4 fresh berries V, S, M
Messenger 1 rd 20 yds/lvl 1 creature V, S
Snake Charm 1 30 yds 30-ft cube V, S
Speak With Animals 5 0 1 animal within 30 ft V, S
Straighten Wood 5 10 yds/lvl Special V, S
Trip 5 Touch 1 object up to 10 ft long V, S
Warp Wood 5 10 yds/lvl Special V, S
3rd Level
Control Animal 6 60 yds + 10 yds/lvl 1 animal V, S
Hold Animal 6 80 yds 1-4 animals in 40-ft cube V, S
Plant Growth 1 rd 160 yds Special V, S, M
Slow Rot 1 rd Touch Special V, S, M
Snare 3 rds Touch 2-ft diameter + 2 inches/lvl V, S, M
Spike Growth 6 60 yds 10-ft sq/lvl V, S, M
Summon Insects 1 rd 30 yds 1 creature V, S, M
Tree 6 0 The caster V, S, M

Generated by the Advanced Dungeons & Dragons Core Rules 2.0 Expansion on 10/30/2001 09:20 PM