Gwain McLoch
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Personal Information
Name: Gwain McLoch Player: Mark Kooper
Race: Human Gender: Male Height: 6'0" Age: 20
Class: Mage Level: 17 Weight: 130 lbs
XP: 2,924,530 Alignment: Lawful Good
Next Level: 3,000,000 Kit: Noble
Ability Scores
Str: 12 Stamina: 12 Weight Allowance: 45 lbs Bend Bars/Lift Gates: 4%
Muscle: 12 Attack Adj.: +0 Damage Adj.: +0 Max. Press: 140 lbs Open Doors: 7
Dex: 14 Aim: 12 Missile Adjustment: +0 Pick Pockets: +0% Open Locks: +0%
Balance: 16 Reaction Adjustment: +1 Armor Class: -2 Move Silently: +0% Climb Walls: +0%
Con: 13 Health: 11 System Shock: 75% Poison Save: +0
Fitness: 15 Hit Point Adjustment: +1 Resurrection Chance: 94%
Int: 17 Reason: 17 Max. Spell Level: 8th Max. Spells Per Level: 14 Illusion Immunity: None
Knowledge: 17 Bonus Proficiencies: 6 Chance to Learn New Spell: 75%
Wis: 11 Intuition: 13 Bonus Clerical Spells: 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 Clerical Spell Failure Chance: 0%
Willpower: 9 Magic Defense Adjustment: +0 Spell Immunity: None
Cha: 11 Leadership: 11 Loyalty Base: +0 Maximum Number of Henchmen: 4
Appearance: 11 Initial Reaction Adjustment: +0
Saving Throws
Paralyzation: 10 Poison: 10 Death Magic: 10 Petrification: 7 Polymorph: 7
Rod: 5 Staff: 5 Wand: 5 Breath Weapon: 9 Spell: 6
Hit Points: 50
Base THAC0: 15
Melee THAC0: 15
Missile THAC0: 15
Natural armor class 8
Balance Defensive adj. -2
Weapon Proficiencies
Non-Weapon Proficiencies
Ancient History 14
Cooking 12
Etiquette 9
Fishing, Half skill 3
Heal 11
Heraldry 16
Herbalism 12
Painting 8
Religion 9
Riding, Airborne 13
Riding, Land 12
Modern Languages 15
Dwarf, Elf, Gnome
Native Languages
Common, Human - Regional dialect
Reading/Writing 14
Common, Dwarf, Elf
THAC0 Attacks/ Speed Damage Range (-2) (-5) (-10)
Weapon Melee Missile Round Factor Sm-Med Large Type Size PB / S / M / L / EX
Dagger 15 15 1 2 1d4 1d3 P S 2 4 6
Racial Abilities
Tough hide - Base AC is 8.

Class Abilities
    Casting reduction - Casting times on spells is reduced by one to a minimum of one.
    Read magic - May Read Magic once per day for every two levels of mage.
    No magical weapons or armor - May not use magical weapons and armor.
    Schools of Magic - Abjuration, Alteration, Conjuration/Summoning, Enchantment/Charm, Greater Divination, Illusion/Phantasm, Invocation/Evocation

Obscure Knowledge - Successful Intelligence/Knowledge check allows the recollection of a fact pertaining to the current subject.

Compulsive Honesty - Wisdom/Willpower check must be successful for character to act deceitful, and will only attempt to lie in a life or death situation.

  • Items Carried
    • Backpack
      • Dry rations (1 week)
      • Flint and steel
      • Torch x3
      • Wineskin
  • Items Readied
    • Dagger
  • Spending Money
    • * Copper Pieces x7
    • * Gold Pieces x64
    • * Silver Pieces x6
Movement and Encumbrance
Encumbrance: Unencumbered Light Moderate Heavy Severe
Weight (lbs): 0-45 46-69 70-93 94-117 118-140
Movement: 13 9 6 3 1
THAC0: -1 -2 -4
AC: +1 +3
Currently carrying 9.60 pounds (None Encumbrance, 13 Movement)

Class 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th
Mage 5 5 5 5 5 3 3 2
Cleric Spell Failure Rate: 0% Maximum Wizard Spells Per Level: 14
Wizard Chance to Learn New Spell: 75% Maximum Wizard Spell Level: 8th
Spells Memorized

Generated by the Advanced Dungeons & Dragons Core Rules 2.0 Expansion on 10/30/2001 09:20 PM