Why do I so love Christchurch ?? In the 1980s I twice crossed the windswept Tasman Sea from West Island [aka Australia] & visited Christchurch unseemly often .....
Well, there is the Avon River, which sports dozens of bridges, many of them, stone. Und jetzt ... the Avon actually flows not, being but a long pond in a gully at best; although upstream the bed dwindles to naught in the Park ... Und jetzt ...
An Avon Spanning Stone Bridge ========A Path Beside The Park Dwindling Avon
The Christchurch Cathedral Spire has been cast down several times by earthquakes, only to be raised to its point once more, by persistent humanity.
The Parliament House of Canterbury Province, long since has lost its function, & like its stained glass windows, is but artistic ... Yet is all the more dignified for that ...
[on your right] is the leadlight glass of the curious "Sign Of The Takahe", high up in the Port Hills. The "Sign Of The Takahe" casts its own curious, inspired vision.
Below [left] - its Port Hills vista.
Lastly, My Memory dwells on a scatter of neon & street lights, close by the centre of Christchurch, as the dawn of a new day caused evening to fall on My Time there.
To New Brighton Beach or Timaru or Home
ŠTony Sims, 2001- text, photographs, formatting & ego.