Why do I so love Christchurch ??
The beach at Christchurch is New Brighton, which quite surprised me with my Queensland pretensions: it is long, wide & the sand is actually yellow, not the omnipresent NZ black.
For example:
looking south to the Banks Peninsular ----- looking north to the open sea ...
My Footprints, for this beach that day was mine alone...
to cast mine eyes eastward to a thousand leagues of ancient open sea !!
or amble the wind
swept dunes; as clouds thicken, then disperse...
And in the sand swept shopping mall, which slashed the fore-dunes at the perpendicular, I purchased a Led Zeppelin sleeveless sweater, which I still possess.
Ah, but the yellow sand grains which cloaked my person - like some golden transient shawl - have long since dwindled to drab nothing in the dust of fallen paths.
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© Tony Sims, 2001 - text, photographs, formatting & ego.