Bruce Wendel
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Personal Information
Name: Bruce Wendel Player: Michael Rees
Race: Human Gender: Male Height: 6'3" Age: 20
Class: Cleric Level: 7 Weight: 198 lbs
XP: 63,569 Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Next Level: 110,000 Kit: None
Ability Scores
Str: 13 Stamina: 14 Weight Allowance: 55 lbs Bend Bars/Lift Gates: 4%
Muscle: 12 Attack Adj.: +0 Damage Adj.: +0 Max. Press: 140 lbs Open Doors: 7
Dex: 14 Aim: 12 Missile Adjustment: +0 Pick Pockets: +0% Open Locks: +0%
Balance: 16 Reaction Adjustment: +1 Armor Class: -2 Move Silently: +0% Climb Walls: +0%
Con: 16 Health: 14 System Shock: 88% Poison Save: +0
Fitness: 17 Hit Point Adjustment: +2(+3) Resurrection Chance: 98%
Int: 9 Reason: 9 Max. Spell Level: 4th Max. Spells Per Level: 6 Illusion Immunity: None
Knowledge: 9 Bonus Proficiencies: 2 Chance to Learn New Spell: 35%
Wis: 16 Intuition: 18 Bonus Clerical Spells: 2, 2, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0 Clerical Spell Failure Chance: 0%
Willpower: 14 Magic Defense Adjustment: +0 Spell Immunity: None
Cha: 13 Leadership: 15 Loyalty Base: +3 Maximum Number of Henchmen: 7
Appearance: 11 Initial Reaction Adjustment: +0
Saving Throws
Paralyzation: 7 Poison: 7 Death Magic: 7 Petrification: 10 Polymorph: 10
Rod: 11 Staff: 11 Wand: 11 Breath Weapon: 13 Spell: 12
Hit Points: 55
Base THAC0: 16
Melee THAC0: 16
Missile THAC0: 16
Natural armor class 10
Full armor, plate mail +2 -7
Magic Armor adj. -2
Balance Defensive adj. -2
Weapon Proficiencies
Flail, footman's
Non-Weapon Proficiencies
Administration 9
Animal Training 8
Fishing, Half skill 8
Heal 11
Heraldry 8
Herbalism 11
Painting 12
Reading/Writing 9
Religion 11
Riding, Land 11
Native Languages
THAC0 Attacks/ Speed Damage Range (-2) (-5) (-10)
Weapon Melee Missile Round Factor Sm-Med Large Type Size PB / S / M / L / EX
Staff of the Serpent, Python 15 1 4 1d6+2 1d6+2 B M
Flail, footman's 17 1 7 1d6+1 2d4 B L
Staff of Curing 17 1 4 1d6 1d6 B M
Racial Abilities
Hit point bonus - +1 bonus hit point for every time a level is attainted.

Class Abilities
    Expert healer - Grants one extra cure light wounds spell per day.
    Hit point bonus - d10 is used as Hit Point die.
    Turn undead - Allows the cleric to turn undead.
    Warrior-priests - Gain warrior bonuses for high strength and constitution.
    Minor Spheres of Magic - Charm, Protection
    Major Spheres of Magic - All, Elemental, All, Guardian, Healing, Law, Necromantic, Sun

Turning Undead
Skeleton or 1 HD: D Wight or 5 HD: 4 Mummy or 7 HD: 13 Ghost or 10 HD: 20
Zombie: D Ghast: 7 Spectre or 8 HD: 16 Lich or 11+ HD: -
Ghoul or 2 HD: T Wraith or 6 HD: 10 Vampire or 9 HD: 19 Special: -
Shadow or 3-4 HD: T
# = Roll # or greater on a 1d20 to turn 2d6 undead. D = Automatically destroys 2d6 undead.
T = Automatically turns 2d6 undead. D* = Automatically destroys 2d6+2d4 undead.

  • Items Carried
    • Backpack
      • Flail, footman's
      • Malachite (50 gp)
      • Sack, large
      • Sack, large
    • Bag of Holding, 1500 lbs.
    • Elixir of Youth
    • Holy item
    • Potion of Gaseous Form
    • Scroll of Protection from Magic x2
    • Staff of Curing
  • Items Readied
    • Staff of the Serpent, Python
  • Items Worn
    • Baladrana
    • Doublet
    • Full armor, plate mail +2
    • Helmet, open-faced (AC 4)
    • Hose
  • Spending Money
    • * Copper Pieces
    • * Gold Pieces x1,600
    • * Silver Pieces x10
Movement and Encumbrance
Encumbrance: Unencumbered Light Moderate Heavy Severe
Weight (lbs): 0-55 56-85 86-115 116-145 146-170
Movement: 13 9 6 3 1
THAC0: -1 -2 -4
AC: +1 +3
Currently carrying 102.50 pounds (Moderate Encumbrance, 6 Movement)

Class 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th
Cleric 5 5 3 2
Cleric Spell Failure Rate: 0% Maximum Wizard Spells Per Level: 6
Wizard Chance to Learn New Spell: 35% Maximum Wizard Spell Level: 4th
Spells Memorized
  • Cleric
    • 0th Level
    • 1st Level
      • Command
      • Cure Light Wounds x4
    • 2nd Level
      • Cure Moderate Wounds x2
      • Hold Person x2
      • Silence, 15-foot Radius
    • 3rd Level
      • Continual Light
      • Dispel Magic
      • Repair Injury

Cleric Spells Granted
Spell Time Range Area of Effect Components
1st Level
Bless 1 rd 60 yds 50-ft cube V, S, M
Blessed Watchfulness 4 Touch Creature touched V, S
Cause Fear 1 10 yds 1 creature V, S
Cause Light Wounds 5 Touch Creature touched V, S
Combine* 1 rd Touch Circle of priests V, S
Command 1 30 yds 1 creature V
Create Water 1 rd 30 yds Up to 27 cubic ft V, S, M
Cure Light Wounds 5 Touch Creature touched V, S
Curse 1 rd 60 yds 50-ft cube V, S, M
Darkness 4 120 yds 20-ft radius globe V, S
Destroy Water 1 rd 30 yds Up to 27 cubic ft V, S, M
Detect Evil 1 rd 0 10 ft x 120 yds V, S, M
Detect Good 1 rd 0 10 ft x 120 yds V, S, M
Dispel Fatigue 4 30 yds 1 creature V, S, M
Endure Cold/Endure Heat 1 rd Touch Creature touched V, S
Firelight 4 Touch 1 object V, S, M
Invisibility to Undead 4 Touch 1 creature V, S, M
Light 4 120 yds 20-ft radius globe V, S
Log of Everburning 1 Touch Special V, S
Orison 4 10 yds Varies V, S
Protection From Evil 4 Touch 1 creature V, S, M
Protection From Good 4 Touch 1 creature V, S, M
Protection from Chaos 4 Touch 1 creature V, S, M
Purify Food & Drink 1 rd 30 yds 1 cubic ft/lvl, in 10 sq ft V, S
Putrefy Food and Drink 1 rd 30 yds 1 cubic ft/lvl, in 10 sq ft V, S
Remove Fear 1 10 yds 1 creature/4 lvls V, S
Ring of Hands* 5 0 Special V, S
Ring of Woe* 5 0 Special V, S
Sacred Guardian 1 Touch Creature touched V, S, M
Sanctuary 4 Touch 1 creature V, S, M
Strength of Stone 4 Touch 1 creature V, S, M
Sunscorch 4 40 yds 1 creature V, S
Wind Column 1 0 The caster S
2nd Level
Aid 5 Touch 1 creature V, S, M
Barkskin 5 Touch 1 creature V, S, M
Calm Chaos 1 20 yds 1d6 creatures/lvl V, S
Cause Moderate Wounds 5 Touch Creature touched V, S
Chill Metal 5 40 yds Special V, S, M
Cure Moderate Wounds 5 Touch Creature touched V, S
Dust Devil 2 rds 30 yds 5 x 4 ft cone V, S
Enthrall 1 rd 0 90-ft radius V, S
Fire Trap 1 turn Touch Object touched V, S, M
Flame Blade 4 0 3-ft long blade V, S, M
Heat Metal 5 40 yds Special V, S, M
Hold Person 5 120 yds 1d4 persons in 20-ft cube V, S, M
Iron Vigil 1 turn 0 The caster V, S
Music of the Spheres 4 50 yds 20-ft diameter circle V, S, M
Mystic Transfer* 1 rd 0 The caster V, S
Produce Flame 5 0 Special V, S
Resist Acid and Corrosion 5 Touch Creature touched V, S
Resist Fire/Resist Cold 5 Touch 1 creature V, S, M
Restore Strength 5 Touch Creature touched V, S
Sanctify* 1 turn 10 yds 10 yd x 10 yd sq/priest V, S, M
Silence, 15-foot Radius 5 120 yds 15-ft radius V, S
Slow Poison 1 Touch 1 creature V, S, M
Soften Earth and Stone 5 10 yds/lvl 10-ft sq/lvl V, S, M
Watery Fist 5 60 yds Special V, S, M
Withdraw 5 0 The caster V, S
Wyvern Watch 5 30 yds 10-ft radius V, S, M
3rd Level
Air Breathing 6 Touch 1 creature V, S
Animate Dead 1 rd 10 yds Special V, S, M
Bestow Curse 6 Touch Special V, S
Cause Blindness or Deafness 1 rd Touch 1 creature V, S
Cause Disease 1 rd Touch 1 creature V, S
Continual Darkness 6 120 yds 60-ft radius V, S
Continual Light 6 120 yds 60-ft radius V, S
Cure Blindness or Deafness 1 rd Touch 1 creature V, S
Cure Disease 1 rd Touch 1 creature V, S
Dictate 6 30 yds Up to 6 creatures in a 20-ft cube V
Dispel Magic 6 60 yds 30-ft cube or 1 item V, S
Emotion Control 5 10 yds 1 creature/5 lvls of the caster within a 20' cube V, S, M
Feign Death 1/2 Touch Person touched V
Flame Walk 5 Touch Creature(s) touched V, S, M
Glyph of Warding Special Touch Special V, S, M
Hold Poison 1 Touch Creature touched V, S, M
Line of Destruction* 1 rd 0 30-yd line V, S, M
Line of Protection* 1 rd 0 30-yd line V, S, M
Magical Vestment 1 rd 0 The caster V, S, M
Meld Into Stone 6 0 The caster V, S, M
Negative Plane Protection 1 rd Touch 1 creature V, S
Protection From Fire 6 Touch 1 creature V, S, M
Pyrotechnics 6 160 yds 10 or 100 x fire V, S, M
Remove Curse 6 Touch Special V, S
Remove Paralysis 6 10 yds/lvl 1d4 creatures in 20-ft cube V, S
Repair Injury 1 turn Touch Creature touched V, S
Rigid Thinking 1 turn 60 yds 1 creature V, S
Starshine 6 10 yds/lvl 10-ft sq/lvl V, S, M
Stone Shape 1 rd Touch 9 cubic ft + 1 cubic ft/lvl V, S, M
Strength of One 3 10 yds 1 creature + 1 creature/2 lvls V, S
Water Breathing 6 Touch 1 creature V, S
Water Walk 6 Touch Special V, S, M
Wind Servant 6 20 yds/lvl Special V, S
4th Level
Adamantite Mace 7 Touch Caster's weapon V, S, M
Blessed Warmth 4 Touch Special V, S
Cause Serious Wounds 7 Touch 1 creature V, S
Compulsive Order 5 10 yds 1 creature V, S, M
Cure Serious Wounds 7 Touch 1 creature V, S
Defensive Harmony 1 5 yds 1 creature/2 lvls V, S
Dimensional Anchor 1 10 yds/lvl 1 creature V, S
Focus* 1 day 10 ft Special V, S, M
Fortify* 6 0 Creature touched V, S, M
Lower Water 1 turn 120 yds Special V, S, M
Neutralize Poison 7 Touch 1 creature or 1 cubic ft of substance/2 lvls V, S
Poison 7 Touch 1 creature or 1 cubic ft of substance/2 lvls V, S
Produce Fire 7 40 yds 12-ft sq V, S, M
Quench Fire 7 40 yds 12-ft sq V, S, M
Raise Water 1 turn 120 yds Special V, S, M
Suspend Animation 4 Touch Creature touched V, S, M
Unfailing Endurance 1 rd Touch 1 creature/lvl V, S
Uplift* 12 hrs 0 One priest V, M
Windborne 7 0 The caster V, S, M