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Personal Information
Name: Dennis Player: Joanne Manners
Race: Human Gender: Male Height: 5'5" Age: 18
Class: Watcher Level: 3 Weight: 175 lbs
XP: 4,000 Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Next Level: 7,500 Kit: None
Ability Scores
Str: 16 Stamina: 14 Weight Allowance: 55 lbs Bend Bars/Lift Gates: 16%
Muscle: 18 Attack Adj.: +1 Damage Adj.: +2 Max. Press: 255 lbs Open Doors: 11
Dex: 12 Aim: 12 Missile Adjustment: +0 Pick Pockets: +0% Open Locks: +0%
Balance: 12 Reaction Adjustment: +0 Armor Class: +0 Move Silently: -5% Climb Walls: +0%
Con: 15 Health: 14 System Shock: 88% Poison Save: +0
Fitness: 16 Hit Point Adjustment: +2 Resurrection Chance: 96%
Int: 13 Reason: 12 Max. Spell Level: 6th Max. Spells Per Level: 7 Illusion Immunity: None
Knowledge: 14 Bonus Proficiencies: 4 Chance to Learn New Spell: 60%
Wis: 17 Intuition: 17 Bonus Clerical Spells: 2, 2, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 Clerical Spell Failure Chance: 0%
Willpower: 17 Magic Defense Adjustment: +3 Spell Immunity: None
Cha: 13 Leadership: 15 Loyalty Base: +3 Maximum Number of Henchmen: 7
Appearance: 11 Initial Reaction Adjustment: +0
Saving Throws
Paralyzation: 10 Poison: 10 Death Magic: 10 Petrification: 13 Polymorph: 13
Rod: 14 Staff: 14 Wand: 14 Breath Weapon: 16 Spell: 15
Hit Points: 23
Base THAC0: 18
Melee THAC0: 17
Missile THAC0: 18
Natural armor class 10
Full armor, full plate -9
Shield, medium adj. -1
Weapon Proficiencies
Full armor, full plate
Mace, footman's
Non-Weapon Proficiencies
Blind Fighting 6
Etiquette 12
Heal 10
Herbalism 10
Religion 10
Native Languages
Common, Human - Regional dialect
Reading/Writing 9
THAC0 Attacks/ Speed Damage Range (-2) (-5)
Weapon Melee Missile Round Factor Sm-Med Large Type Size Short Medium Long
Mace, footman's 20 1 7 1d6+3 1d6+2 B M
Knife 23 24 1 2 1d3+2 1d2+2 P/S S 2 4 6
Racial Abilities
Experience bonus - +5% experence point bonus.

Class Abilities
    Followers - Allows followers after building a stronghold and becoming name level.
    Turn undead - Allows the cleric to turn undead.
    Crystal Ball Use - Watchers are able to use crystal balls as wizards.
    Glyph of Warding - Watchers may create a short-term glyph of warding (as the 3rd level priest spell) once a day that lasts only one day per level. Watchers may choose the effects of these glyphs from those spells they would be capable of casting at their current level, regardless of the sphere of the spell involved. This allows them to create glyphs based on any spell not specific to a particular church or group that a priest of their level could cast.
    Surprise Bonus - Watchers gain an advantage against being surprised. A watcher gets a +2 bonus on his or her surprise roll. If accompanied by others who are not watchers, this bonus is reduced to a +1. This benefit is not cumulative with other advantages to surprise, but it may be affected by penalties. For instance, a lone, unarmored elf thief trying to sneak up on a watcher would still cause the watcher to subtract 4 from his or her surprise roll, but this is cumulative with the watcher’s +2 bonus.
    Minor Spheres of Magic - Creation, Elemental, All, Healing, War
    Major Spheres of Magic - All, Astral, Combat, Divination, Guardian, Helm, Protection, Sun, Wards
    Free Spell - At level 1, Watchers are able to cast Glyph of Warding once a day
    Free Spell - At level 3, Watchers are able to cast Sentry of Helm (Helm) - FandA or Wyvern Watch once a day
    Free Spell - At level 5, Watchers are able to cast Exaltation (Helm) - FandA or Mace of Odo (Helm) - FandA once a day
    Free Spell - At level 7, Watchers are able to cast Seeking Sword (Helm) - FandA once a day
    Free Spell - At level 10, Watchers are able to cast Summon Spectator (Helm) - FandA 1 per tenday

Keen Eyesight - +1 bonus on to hit rolls for missile weapons when attacking at long range. The character acts as if they were one sight category closer with respect to information gained.
Light Sleeper - With a successful Wisdom/Intuition check, will awaken from any reasonable amount of noise.

Compulsive Honesty - Wisdom/Willpower check must be successful for character to act deceitful, and will only attempt to lie in a life or death situation.
Phobia: Heights, severe - Each time the character is presented with their phobia, they must make a Wisdom/Willpower check every 2d6 rounds they are exposed to it. If failed, the character must flee the source of the phobia for 1d6 rounds, and must make another check. All checks are made at half ability score if the phobia is severe.

Turning Undead
Skeleton or 1 HD: 4 Wight or 5 HD: 16 Mummy or 7 HD: - Ghost or 10 HD: -
Zombie: 7 Ghast: 19 Spectre or 8 HD: - Lich or 11+ HD: -
Ghoul or 2 HD: 10 Wraith or 6 HD: 20 Vampire or 9 HD: - Special: -
Shadow or 3-4 HD: 13
# = Roll # or greater on a 1d20 to turn 2d6 undead. D = Automatically destroys 2d6 undead.
T = Automatically turns 2d6 undead. D* = Automatically destroys 2d6+2d4 undead.

  • Items Carried
    • Backpack
      • Dry rations (1 week)
      • Flint and steel
      • Herbs (per lb)
      • Holy item
      • Lantern, bullseye
      • Map or scroll case
        • Paper (per sheet) x3
      • Oil, lamp (per flask)
      • Rope, silk (50 ft)
      • Soap
      • Wineskin
      • Winter blanket
      • Writing ink (per vial)
  • Items Readied
    • Mace, footman's
  • Items Worn
    • Belt
      • Belt pouch, large
        • * Gold Pieces x103
        • Lock, poor
        • Mirror, small metal
        • Sewing needle
      • Knife sheath
        • Knife
    • Boots, riding
    • Breeches
    • Full armor, full plate
    • Gloves
    • Helmet, great helm (AC 1)
    • Shield, medium
    • Shirt
    • Signet ring/personal seal
    • Tunic
Movement and Encumbrance
Encumbrance: Unencumbered Light Moderate Heavy Severe
Weight (lbs): 0-55 56-85 86-115 116-145 146-170
Movement: 12 9 6 3 1
THAC0: -1 -2 -4
AC: +1 +3
Currently carrying 103.19 pounds (Moderate Encumbrance, 6 Movement)

Class 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th
Watcher 4 3
Cleric Spell Failure Rate: 0% Maximum Wizard Spells Per Level: 7
Wizard Chance to Learn New Spell: 60% Maximum Wizard Spell Level: 6th
Spells Memorized
  • Watcher
    • 1st Level
      • Cure Light Wounds

Watcher Spells Granted
Spell Time Range Area of Effect Components
1st Level
Analyze Balance 1 rd 80 yds 1 creature, object, or 10' sq V, S, M
Anti-Vermin Barrier 1 30 yds 10-ft cube/lvl V, S, M
Astral Celerity 4 0 The caster V, S
Bless 1 rd 60 yds 50-ft cube V, S, M
Blessed Watchfulness 4 Touch Creature touched V, S
Cause Light Wounds 5 Touch Creature touched V, S, M
Combine 1 rd Touch Circle of priests V, S
Courage 1 turn 240 yds 1 unit up to 200 individuals V, S, M
Create Water 1 rd 30 yds Up to 27 cubic ft V, S, M
Cure Light Wounds 5 Touch Creature touched V, S, M
Curse 1 rd 60 yds 50-ft cube V, S, M
Darkness 4 120 yds 20-ft radius globe V, S, M
Dedication 3 segments 3" 1 creature or object V, S
Destroy Water 1 rd 30 yds Up to 27 cubic ft V, S, M
Detect Evil 1 rd 0 10 ft x 120 yds V, S, M
Detect Good 1 rd 0 10 ft x 120 yds V, S, M
Detect Magic 1 rd 0 10 ft x 30 yds V, S, M
Detect Poison 4 0 Special V, S, M
Detect Snares & Pits 4 0 10 x 40 ft V, S, M
Endure Cold/Endure Heat 1 rd Touch Creature touched V, S, M
Firelight 4 Touch 1 object V, S, M
Light 4 120 yds 20-ft radius globe V, S, M
Locate Animals or Plants 1 rd 100 yds + 20 yds/lvl 20 yds/lvl x 20 ft V, S, M
Log of Everburning 1 Touch Special V, S, M
Magical Stone 4 Touch 3 pebbles V, S, M
Morale Special Special 1 unit up to 200 individuals V, S, M
Orison 4 10 yds Varies V, S
Protection From Evil 4 Touch 1 creature V, S, M
Protection From Good 4 Touch 1 creature V, S, M
Purify Food & Drink 1 rd 30 yds 1 cubic ft/lvl, in 10 sq ft V, S, M
Putrefy Food and Drink 1 rd 30 yds 1 cubic ft/lvl, in 10 sq ft V, S, M
Ring of Hands/Ring of Woe* 5 0 Special V, S, M
Sacred Guardian 1 Touch Creature touched V, S, M
Sanctuary 4 Touch 1 creature V, S, M
Sentry of Helm 1 hour 0 120-foot diameter sphere V, S, M
Sentry of Helm (Helm) - F&A 1 hour 0 120-foot diameter sphere V, S, M
Shillelagh 2 Touch 1 oak club V, S, M
Speak With Astral Traveler 1 rd Touch 1 creature V, S, M
Strength of Stone 4 Touch 1 creature V, S, M
Sunscorch 4 40 yds 1 creature V, S
Weighty Chest 1 Touch 5-ft cube V, S, M
Whisperward (Druid) 4 Touch 1 item V, S, M
Wind Column 1 o The caster S
2nd Level
Astral Awareness 5 0 The caster V, S
Augury 2 rds 0 Special V, S, M
Barkskin 5 Touch 1 creature V, S, M
Blessing of Vhaeraun (Vhaeraun) 4 Touch Touched Creature V, S
Chant 2 rds 0 30-ft radius V, S, M
Chill Metal 5 40 yds Special V, S, M
Create Holy Symbol 2 0 The caster V
Cure Moderate Wounds 5 Touch Creature touched V, S
Detect Charm 1 rd 30 yds 1 creature/rd V, S, M
Dust Devil 2 rds 30 yds 5 x 4 ft cone V, S, M
Emotion Perception 1 turn 300 yds 1 unit/5 lvls V, S, M
Ethereal Barrier 1 turn 120 yds Two 10-ft sqs/lvl V, S, M
Find Traps 5 0 10 ft x 30 yds V, S, M
Fire Trap 1 turn Touch Object touched V, S, M
Flame Blade 4 0 3-ft long blade V, S, M
Fortifying Stew (Druid) 5 Touch 1 bowl of stew, etc./level V, S, M
Frisky Chest 2 Touch 10-ft cube V, S, M
Heat Metal 5 40 yds Special V, S, M
Iron Vigil 1 turn 0 The caster V, S
Know Alignment 1 rd 10 yds 1 creature or object V, S, M
Obscure Alignment 1 rd 10 yds 1 creature or object V, S, M
Produce Flame 5 0 Special V, S, M
Rally 1 turn 240 yds 1 unit of up to 300 individuals V, S, M
Resist Acid and Corrosion 5 Touch Creature touched V, S
Resist Fire/Resist Cold 5 Touch 1 creature V, S, M
Sanctify 1 turn 10 yds 10 yd x 10 yd sq/priest V, S, M
Silence, 15-foot Radius 5 120 yds 15-ft radius V, S, M
Slow Poison 1 Touch 1 creature V, S, M
Soften Earth and Stone 5 10 yds/lvl 10-ft sq/lvl V, S, M
Speak With Animals 5 0 1 animal within 30 ft V, S, M
Spiritual Hammer 5 10 yds/lvl Special V, S, M
Undetectable Charm 1 rd 30 yds 1 creature/rd V, S, M
Watery Fist 5 60 yds Special V, S, M
Withdraw 5 0 The caster V, S, M
Wyvern Watch 5 30 yds 10-ft radius V, S, M
Zone of Truth 2 30 yds 5-ft sq/lvl V, S, M

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