Monique De La Salle
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Personal Information
Name: Monique De La Salle Player: Michael Rees
Race: Human Gender: Female Height: 6'4" Age: 17
Class: WyrmSlayer Level: 4 Weight: 143 lbs
XP: 12,766 Alignment: Lawful Good
Next Level: 18,000 Kit: WyrmSlayer Kit
Ability Scores
Str: 18/49 Stamina: 18/49 Weight Allowance: 135 lbs Bend Bars/Lift Gates: 20%
Muscle: 18/49 Attack Adj.: +1 Damage Adj.: +3 Max. Press: 280 lbs Open Doors: 12
Dex: 10 Aim: 9 Missile Adjustment: +0 Pick Pockets: -15% Open Locks: -10%
Balance: 11 Reaction Adjustment: +0 Armor Class: +0 Move Silently: -10% Climb Walls: +0%
Con: 12 Health: 11 System Shock: 75% Poison Save: +0
Fitness: 13 Hit Point Adjustment: +0 Resurrection Chance: 90%
Int: 10 Reason: 9 Max. Spell Level: 4th Max. Spells Per Level: 6 Illusion Immunity: None
Knowledge: 11 Bonus Proficiencies: 2 Chance to Learn New Spell: 45%
Wis: 13 Intuition: 11 Bonus Clerical Spells: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 Clerical Spell Failure Chance: 10%
Willpower: 15 Magic Defense Adjustment: +1 Spell Immunity: None
Cha: 17 Leadership: 17 Loyalty Base: +6 Maximum Number of Henchmen: 10
Appearance: 17 Initial Reaction Adjustment: +6
Saving Throws
Paralyzation: 11 Poison: 11 Death Magic: 11 Petrification: 12 Polymorph: 12
Rod: 13 Staff: 13 Wand: 13 Breath Weapon: 14 Spell: 14
Hit Points: 26
Base THAC0: 17
Melee THAC0: 16
Missile THAC0: 17
Natural armor class 10
Full armor, splint mail -6
Body shield proficiency bonus -3 (-4 vs. missiles)
Shield, body adj. -2
Weapon Proficiencies
Full armor, plate mail
Shield (body)
Sword, bastard (Specialist)
Sword, two-handed
Fighting Style:
Weapon and Shield
Non-Weapon Proficiencies
Animal Lore 8
Heal 11
Hunting 7
Riding, Land 10
Survival 8
Tracking 10
Native Languages
Common, Human - Regional dialect
Reading/Writing 8
THAC0 Attacks/ Speed Damage Range (-2) (-5) (-10)
Weapon Melee Missile Round Factor Sm-Med Large Type Size PB / S / M / L / EX
Sword, bastard +1, +2 vs. magic-using creatures 13 3/2 5 1d8+6 1d12+6 S M
Sword, two-handed 16 1 10 1d10+3 3d6+3 S L
Sword, bastard 14 3/2 6 1d8+5 1d12+5 S M
Racial Abilities
Attack bonus - +1 bonus to attack rolls with one weapon of the character's choice.

Class Abilities
    Circle of power - If in possession of a holy sword, it will project a 10 foot diameter sphere which repels hostile magic.
    Curative - Grants power to cure any natural disease once per week for every five experience levels. For example, a 10th level paladin can use his 'cure disease' ability two times a week (this ability is ineffective against lycanthropy.)
    Detection - By concentrating, may detect evil creatures up to 60 feet away.
    Faithful mount - May summon special steed at 4th level.
    Healing - May heal two hit points per paladin's level to anyone once per day with a touch.
    Health - Immune to all natural disease.
    Protection from evil - Radiate an aura 10 feet in diamater of Protection from Evil.
    Saving throw bonus - +2 bonus to all saves.
    Turn undead - Turn undead at two levels lower in ability.
    Weapon specialization - May specialize in one weapon.
    Melee weapons only - May only use melee weapons.
    Major Spheres of Magic - Combat, Divination, Healing, Law, Protection

Keen Smell - +1 bonus to surprise rolls when smell may be a factor. +2 bonus to all hunting proficiency checks.

Compulsive Honesty - Wisdom/Willpower check must be successful for character to act deceitful, and will only attempt to lie in a life or death situation.

Turning Undead
Skeleton or 1 HD: 7 Wight or 5 HD: 19 Mummy or 7 HD: - Ghost or 10 HD: -
Zombie: 10 Ghast: 20 Spectre or 8 HD: - Lich or 11+ HD: -
Ghoul or 2 HD: 13 Wraith or 6 HD: - Vampire or 9 HD: - Special: -
Shadow or 3-4 HD: 16
# = Roll # or greater on a 1d20 to turn 2d6 undead. D = Automatically destroys 2d6 undead.
T = Automatically turns 2d6 undead. D* = Automatically destroys 2d6+2d4 undead.

  • Items Carried
    • Backpack
      • Bottle
      • Dry rations (1 week)
      • Flint and steel
      • Healer's bag
      • Piton x10
      • Potion of Healing x3
      • Rope, silk (50 ft)
      • Soap
      • Tent, small
      • Torch x3
      • Whetstone
      • Wineskin
      • Winter blanket
      • Writing ink (per vial)
    • Potion of Fire Resistance
  • Items Readied
    • Sword, bastard +1, +2 vs. magic-using creatures
  • Items Worn
    • Baladrana
    • Belt
      • Belt pouch, large
        • Chalk
        • Map or scroll case
          • Paper (per sheet)
          • Paper (per sheet)
        • Mirror, small metal
        • Sewing needle
    • Boot hose
    • Boots, riding
    • Cap, hat
    • Full armor, splint mail
    • Gloves
    • Gown, common
    • Scabbard, hanger, baldric
    • Scabbard, hanger, baldric
      • Sword, two-handed
    • Scabbard, hanger, baldric
      • Sword, bastard
    • Shield, body
    • Tabard
    • Tunic
  • Spending Money
    • * Copper Pieces x7
    • * Gold Pieces x1,703
    • * Silver Pieces x6
Movement and Encumbrance
Encumbrance: Unencumbered Light Moderate Heavy Severe
Weight (lbs): 0-135 136-174 175-213 214-252 253-280
Movement: 13 9 6 3 1
THAC0: -1 -2 -4
AC: +1 +3
Currently carrying 150.32 pounds (Light Encumbrance, 9 Movement)

Class 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th
Cleric Spell Failure Rate: 10% Maximum Wizard Spells Per Level: 6
Wizard Chance to Learn New Spell: 45% Maximum Wizard Spell Level: 4th